Yesterday morning as I was waiting for my mom to pick me up to go shopping, I noticed a smell. Like burning wires. I looked around and didn't see anything. Then the smell went away and I assumed, as usual, that I'm nuts. Then a little later I noticed it again. I looked at the plug for the computer and the surge protector for the phone, printer and the cable box thingee and WHOA there was smoke! I called my husband at work because I wasn't sure if I had to just pull the plug or do something else in addition to that.
He works at what we call "The Shredder." They shred metal and steel and sell the scrap back to the steel mills. He was across the yard burning some car down to a 4X4 piece of steel, so his best friend (my best friend's husband) picked up the phone and said what's going on Jul? I told him the wires were smoking but they stopped. Then all of a sudden - Whoomp - they caught fire! I yelled, Billy yelled and I pulled the plug. Lost the phone. He ran to Kenny in a full-on mad dash and started yelling to him: Just go - just go. Kenny's looking at him like he's nuts. Then his cell phone rings and it's me. I figured this was an emergency. They're not supposed to use cell phones in the yard but they all carry them in case of emergency. This was one of those times.
I told him what happened. The fire was out as soon as I pulled the plugs. But he came home anyway to be sure. Everything was fine, PTL. And he said that he would replace the plug in the evening. So I went ALL day with no computer. That's harder than one might think.
I couldn't check blogs until 9:00. I hate that! You know I like my routine. We wanted to make blooming onions for dinner since we were having brats on the grill. I didn't have a recipe. Not in any of my cookbooks. Now since I had never made blooming onions I wasn't sure how the best way would be to cut the onions. Or what to put in my batter. Times like this call for Food Searches on the web! So I had to wing it. Came out pretty good. In case anyone was wondering - I used my Pampered Chef apple corer/slicer contraption which worked pretty well - dredge the onion in flour first - then let it soak in your batter for awhile. But to tell the truth, it would have been a lot easier to just slice the onions into rings and then dredge and batter.
But ANYWAY, I'm getting off subject. All I could think of was: what if I hadn't have been here? If I was still working outside of the home, I wouldn't have been here. I could have lost my house and everything in it including my cats! You know the bible teaches you to pray about everything. Before making any decisions, pray about it. When we decided it was time for me to quit my job I prayed constantly about it. Tell me Lord what to do. And I got my answer. So, I quit. But, then I questioned myself. Did you really hear the answer? Or did you just want to quit so you found an answer? There's a big difference! All I could think was that I might be like Sarah in the bible. Giving her maid Hagar to Abraham to bear the children God promised them they would have. She went looking for an answer. But yesterday I thought - you know it was God who enabled me to be home when that happened. I was meant to be here.
So, I praise God for that. For sparing my home and animals. For reaffirming our decision that I work in the home and not out of it. But most importantly, I am thankful that I have enough sense to know it wasn't just coincidence. I am thankful that each day my walk with the Lord grows a little stronger and that I'm not so cocky that I don't realize I need Him in all aspects of my life!
I am grateful that you were there and were able to avoid a major fire. It is so wise of you to see the hand of God in something so scarry. I am so head strong that I must constantly remind myself not to get out of step with His plan for me. Thanks for the reminder:-)
nothing like a little excitement to shake up one's day!
glad it wasn't more serious...
Julie...I never answered your question on my blog a while back. It was an oversight.
My name is Barbara.
Wow. I am grateful you were home to save the day!
How precious are our things when we discover who we are without God?! Only He knows our fragile future. And He's the only one who can change our circumstances months or years before we actually need to be in that place! Praise Him. I'm so glad you were there, that you're ok and that you are growing up in Him! Blessings... Polly
Oops... forgot to say that I've tagged you. Please stop over. -Polly
Glad all is ok! And, sorry that the routine got disrupted - I am getting to know ya - that must have been crushing!!!! ;D You have had your share of computer crap lately, haven't you? Love!! Esther
Wow, sounds scary! I'm so glad everything turned out OK.
Oh My heart is still pounding....
thank god for watching over you!
YES YES YES get your hubby to make you a clothes line...you will not regret it! There is nothing better then the smell and feel of clothes dried out in the sunshine!
especially your linens and bedding!
Ahhhhhhh.....heavenly! :-)
Blessings, Dolly
P.S. I am a pisces too!
My birthday is February 27th whens yours???
Hugz, Dolly
My birthday is March 10. But my oldest son's is Feb 28. Are you an emotional train wreck at times too??
Thank God you WERE home! home fires have always scared me... Of course, so has the thought of my house being taken by a tornado...lol
Glad everything was ok.
Thank God you were home! Isn't it amazing how he works in our lives? I remember my husband's mom saying that God was like a tall Father holding the hand of a small child. We can't see what he can up ahead, and if we let go, we could easily get hurt. Thank God he has our hand and can guide us safely.
I am glad you were there! We had a major fire in our home 13 years ago and I awoke to it - half of it home was destroyed but we got out alive and no one was hurt. A blessing for sure...
The Good Lord was watching over you that day! xo, Becky
I'm so glad you were there, too. I have a house with 'old' electricity so I'm constantly checking to make sure things are ok and not in a bind or pinched to cause a problem. Prayer is a powerful thing so it's a good idea to follow the Bible's counsel and "pray incessantly"! It can't hurt!!!!
Can you please just hop in car and drive to my house...we'll sit on the porch and tell miracle stories!!!
You made my day
So glad all is well Julie. What a scare that was.
I bet it didn't take long for you to say your thank you prayers!! Glad your home is OK!
Goodness! I'm glad that story ended with blooming onions and not a burnt home!
Scary! Glad you were there, and that everything is all right!
Thank God...
Glad your OK!
Holy Smokes! Praise God you are OK!!!! That sort of thing would scare me to death.
Oh my goodness! Praise God!
We never can see the hand of God till maybe a few years down the line...but when you do see it was HIS hand that brought you there...It always humbles me!! And I want to stick a little closer to HIM then !!I'm soo glad no one was injured and you didn't lose your home! =)
Hi Julie! I just read your most recent two posts and I just wanted to say congradulations on your You Lift Me Up! award! And I appreciate your sharing your faith with us. I was not raised with religion although I am very spiritual. I am a bit intimidated by it to be honest but I would like to slowly but surely learn more. So, I will be back often to enjoy the stories of your lifes journey and your faith!
Thank you Julie! :) Cece
Julie- I'm so glad that you, your family, and you're home are ok. That must have been really scary.
I would have been freaking out. I probably would have started screaming.
Also...mmmmm. Blooming onion. I hear the Outback Steakhouse theme song in my head. :)
Praise God for being so generous to us! We are consistently blessed and your experience confirms that! God made sure you were there, and protected your family. PG!
What a day! So glad it wasn't any worse!
Glad you were able to put it off. Isn't it amazing the little details that count and you can see God's working all of them?
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