Yippee Skippee!! Yesterday I went shopping at my favorite store: The Yorktowne Shoppe. It's this wonderful little store in my neighborhood that is stocked full of all things country. I wish she had a website so I could link it and you could see for yourself. After grocery shopping I realized that I had done pretty well in terms of budget. So, I took the extra $60 I had left and spent $30 of it. My husband thinks I spent $20. Well, actually $10 of that was my money so really I only did spend $20. How's that for justification?
Anyway - I bought little white, barn star ornaments to hang on my little tree in my living room. Because I can't make a bow to save my soul, she was nice enough to make me one. Pretty barn red gingham ribbon. With the lights on the tree and the new ornaments I am just tickled pink. The tree was originally a gift from my girlfriend. But it was decorated in a Steeler theme. Now, while I am a HUGE Steeler fan (GO BLACK AND GOLD!!) it just didn't match my interior obviously. And putting it on my porch posed too much of a risk of having it stolen, which wouldn't have matched either. So, it's now a pretty focal point in my living room.
And on my way out the door I found the cutest star-shaped wreath. And jutting out from every inch are red berries. I know that my description can't do it justice. But take it from me - it's too stinking cute. I even managed to get my husband to hang it already. I can't reach. Poor guy. He has to hang everything being married to a 5'1" wife. He's almost 6'. You do the math.
So yesterday was success! The grocery shopping got done. The laundry got done. Dinner was a hit! Stuffed peppers and mashed potatoes, yummy! And for my reward, I found a few more things for my home which I adore. Can't get any better than that.
Today I have to clean the bathrooms, sigh....
Hello, I just found your blog and I have really enjoyed doing some reading! You are very interesting, thanks for sharing some fun posts! I will come back for another visit, soon!
I love those little rewards....good for you! Long gone are the days I would spend any extra $$ on a new blouse or make-up...now it's always a thrill to find a treasure for my home! Stuffed peppers sound great btw....reminds to me take something out of the freezer. Thank you for your kindness as well and have a blessed day.
Sigh...yes this is the day for cleaning the bedroom of the last chick to fly the nest...thus my post for today.
I don't think the ceiling fan blades had been dusted for 10 years in her room....my fault,her fault?
Anyway, always nice to chat...love to you and thank you for the lofty sidebar position..I added you to mine, too...also my sister's name is the same as yours only Julee Ann
Hello Julie! Very nice to meet you, too! Thank your for such a sweet compliment on my blog! I look forward to getting to know you and your lovely blog and will "link" up to you! I love how your played the game with your middle name - LOLWFOMC - (laughing out loud while falling off my chair) Cheerio - Esther
What a great day! I got out to some thrifts today too. The back of my truck was loaded and I got it all for about $50. Of course, it was $50 that should've probably been used for other necessities but what's life without some needless necessities?! Blessings.. Polly
Hi Julie! Nice to meet you!! Thank you for visiting my blog today and why yes, you are most certainly welcome to add me to your list..although I see you already did. smiling here! I am doing the same for you my dear! I just read your posting about making a menu and how I can relate on that one. I get so tired having to be creative! Especially in the kitchen dept. I'd rather put my creativity in designing something fun for the house! Anywho, I'll have to come back and browse some more...have to finish dinner now. grrrrr...Take care! Becky at Sweet Cottage Dreams
Darn bathrooms....if women had designed them they would be self cleaning. I like the way you justify your spending...I'm going to write that one down.
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