I could just scream at the very top of my smoke-filled lungs! Evidently, there is something wrong with my computer. Last Friday when I was reading the post of another blogger, I clicked on the You Tube box in her post to listen to a song that she had in her head. It was a particularly good song and I was thoroughly enjoying it. All of a sudden my computer completely shut down. Went blank. I went through the whole "restore" process which apparently is just a ruse to make you think what you're doing is correct. Meanwhile behind the scenes, there are little gremlins laughing and pointing at me, slapping their knees and bending over in big belly laughs yelling "This has got to be the dumbest one yet." I can picture the tears rolling down their ugly little faces as they enjoy a good guffaw at my expense.
My computer has not been right since. Even though the little green light is on, if it goes into sleep mode it takes forever to come back up. Unlike before where all you have to do is move your mouse or hit a key. Then come the flashes. No, not the one induced by menopause. I'm talking about the monitor. I would say the first 2 minutes are replete with flashing black screens; scaring me into thinking it's shutting down and then after realizing that it's just toying with me, I go crazy. I asked my husband to look at it last night. Well apparently, look is all he did. It's not fixed.
Early in the morning I type up my new post for the day. (See yesterday's post about routines and habits.) But since I couldn't quite put all my thoughts together this morning I waited. At about 5:30 I had decided what I wanted to say. (You'll just have to wait for that; right now I'm venting.) I couldn't sign in. I couldn't read comments. I can't check other blogs. 6 hours later, I still can't. My mother is posting this for me. Since yesterday I ranted and raved about people not indulging me and my request to post every day - I had to get something on it. Now, I'm not so full of myself that I think people are waiting on baited breath to read my posts - but what comes around goes around. And I'm sure that right now there are hundreds of thought-provoking, spiritually-fulfilling and laughter-inducing posts floating around in blogland that I can't access! But, I'm with you in spirit!!
Keep your fingers crossed that: my computer gets fixed, it doesn't land outside via my brand new windows, and my husband's head doesn't appear on a platter later this evening. Come to think of it, maybe you should all say a prayer.
BTW-My post today thus far is NOT thought provoking so don't feel bad
The withdrawals are hell huh?
the funny thing is that I was going to post something about,"what was that you were saying about worried when someone doesn't post?" LOL
sorry you're having computer woes.
Girl........I know your pain! My computer loves to do cruel things to me. Last year I had to completely erase everything..back up all my files..and start over like I had just got the dang thing. Now I am noticing it is doing the same thing it was before. It tells me its not responding and sends me to the refresh page a lot. Sighhhhh. Maybe this is Gods way of testing our patience? I know I need more rofl. Good luck. cherry
Oh no poor you! Is it fixed now as you've left a comment on my blog I wonder? Just had to say, you made me laugh! I hardly ever eat fish and chips, but what a good question!!
I loved your blog!! And the cartoon is way too fitting!!
UGH!!!!! I've been there. Take a deep breath, this too shall pass...
I think everyone with a computer goes through that eventually! Just last night I was trying to post (finally) and blogger was having problems. Oh the trials of the computer age! Will say a prayer for your computer's speedy recovery :)
Omigosh....how's the blogger epidemic? Keep us posted...no pun intended
good luck! So frustrating though.
Oh...I am soo sorry! I hope it gets fixed asap..and my post too wasn't that exciting :)...you haven't missed anything here.
Oh, man, do I understand. Kind hubby just spend hours and hours helping the likes of me with cleaning up our computer. Can you have some computer geek come out to look at it? Hey, we love you... we'll be here when you get up and running, so relax! Love, Esther
Oh, I hate to laugh at your predicament but...LOL, LOL, LOL!!!
What did we do with our days before we spent nine hours trying to get the g***d***m computer to work?!
Missing you in blogland,
LOL! I know its not at all funny to you, I've been there and would wish computer troubles on my worst enemy but your post was funny. I hope you get it sorted soon. If you want your husband to get it sorted pretty darn quick try telling him that you think its beyond repair and you will be needing a new one. Or you could tell him that good looking guy down the road has offered to come and fix it for you. Good luck, Bob.
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