I have a somewhat working knowledge of how to crochet. Nothing fancy. Just a double chain. But, I have a blanket 3/4 of the way finished. Not bad. I come from a long line of crocheters. My mom is excellent at this craft. My grandmother made all of us blankets and slippers. I have a beautiful baby blanket carefully tucked away for my first grandchild. She crocheted that blanket with my own baby in mind to receive it, but since I no longer have a uterus, that is pretty much out of the question. But, now I'm going to attempt knitting!
Anyone remember the knitting ladies in A Tale of Two Cities? Well, thankfully, I need not enter any death toll into some kind of woven record. I just want to make a scarf. Maybe a hat. Kristen at Christian Crafter is hosting a Knitting 101 class and I was lucky enough to join. I need to purchase my supplies: 2 needles (size 7-10) and light colored yarn. It sounds so simple. My friend BB would make me dish rags all the time. Nothing better than a knitted dish rag to clean the oh-so-many dirty pots and pans in this house. Maybe I'll be able to start passing out those little bundles. Won't that be fun?
In the meantime, we have a whole decorating library at Nunnie's Attic. Full of advice and suggestions, it might be worth it to pick up a copy of one of these. There's even a Knitting for Dummies. Seems there are quite a few different kinds of dummies out there. Check out the library. Maybe you'll find something that will enable you to move on to the next level.

I am really looking forward to this, and am going to try my hand at getting thorough descriptions of each and every step posted on my blog. I hope that everyone will let me know if something is unclear! My Aunt Heidi is so good at this, so I will look to her for advice! I am so anxious for us all to get started! Don't forget to post pictures when it is finished as well! What a wonderful blessing these blogs are! How else could we make friends like this from all over the world?
I too have been trying to learn to knit. I used to crochet a little. My Aunt was my inspiration. I loved to watch her as her fingers seemed to instinctively know what to do.
As I bought my supplies at the fabric store, I told them I was going to learn to knit or die trying. Lets hope it doen't come to that, LOL!
Julie, How in the world do you get to so many blogs?! :-)
I hope you have a fantastic Thursday.
I laughed at the sewing machine - treadmill comparison. HA!
I'm a pretty good seamstress but it is an unused talent. Sewing really takes a lot of time. And unfortunately I have very little free time in my life.
I've always wanted to learn to crochet or knit.
I hope you have fun! I am amazed at all the wonderful yarns out there to choose from! My mother was required to learn to knit in school in bonnie Scotland. I have knitted as a kid, but it is crochet that I really like to do. Dearest Julie, I do love ya so! Have as great day! Love, Esther
It took me until I was 40 to finally grasp the whole knitting thing. I tried on and off for years. But here's the silly thing: I tried to crochet and I couldn't do it!!! It's supposed to be easier. I've never taken a class and I would highly recommend it to avoid lots of "frogging" which I did until I learned!
I can't knit either. I think I tried before. What I want to do is embroidery. I get so inspired by all these crafty gals!
"I own a sewing machine but I also own a treadmill. That means nothing."
That is so funny!! :D
I taught myself to knit from instructions on "The Yarn Co."'s website, and I am addicted!! I'll have to do a post soon and show some pictures of what I have accomplished so far...
My Grandma taught me to crochet when I was little, and I have loved it forever, she also taught me to quilt.(and garden, and cook, and bake... lol) I love sewing! I actually got a special award ay my HS graduation for taking so many ome economics classes...lol
You will have lots of fun learning to knit Julie and Kristy will be a good teacher but then again! I am biased being her aunt. LOL! Good luck with it.
I am not a knitter.I'll leave that to you gals...but I will watch the progress and look forward to viewing some finished projects! I am almost embarrassed to say I hand sew because I haven't figured out the sewing machine!
I love those knitted dish rags! My mother-in-law used to make and give me some every Christmas. She actually showed me how to make one, But that was 20 years ago and I've forgotten. I still find them at craft fairs from time to time... Can't wait to see what you create :)
Ooo...sounds fun! Thank you for your letter. I'll get back to later. In an odd way, I'm proud of you for how you've handled things. Blessings... POlly
I love those knitted dishrags. Aren't they great?
This is a chunky colorful piece you have...looks exciting so far!
Actually, that's just a picture that I found. That's not me. I should have clarified that. But, thanks for the vote of confidence!
Hey how about knitting me a pair of socks? LOL I don't want anything too hard huh?
Looks like fun!:-)
I taught myself abit ago how to knit...put I don't think I do it right 'cause my fingers always get poked and sore...LOL!! I will be so excited to see what you create!
Knitting is one of those things that has always been on my "to try" list. I'm a lefty and I taught myself to crochet, just granny squares and simple stuff but knitting, whoah, that's the big league!
My mother was a wonderful seamstress, could crochet, knit, tatted, painted and was just ever so talented. Me? That would be no talent much to my mother's horror. I too have a sewing machine but can't sew, have all of my mother's crochet needles but can't do that either, her knitting books and yarn basket, nope no talent there. I can read, I can clean and I can love kitties and doggies. Somehow that Italian crafty gene missed me.
Knitting is fun! And frustrating too! LOL! I taught myself to knit recently. With the help of a good friend (whom I could call when stuck) and a terrific online video tutorial --- I finally achieved what I set out to! It really was soothing and fun!
Hi, Jule, thanks for faithfully stopping by to see me so often. I'll come by & visit when I have a little more time.
I am laughing so hard right now. I thought that picture was you too! I was thinking....WOW for someone just getting started...that's pretty fabulous. LOL....good luck with the knitting. We will be waiting for pictures.
blessings, kari and kijsa
What on earth are you doing up this early? I thought I was the only insomniac:)
Thank you Julie, for your prayers and for being there.
Love ya,
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