Luke 15:1-2
Tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to Jesus, but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them."
Thank God!
Take a peak inside the attic and see what treasures you can find!
I think there is a message in there for all of us to remember. I feel very blessed by God.
Enjoy your day,
This is the day that the Lord has made. I WILL rejoice and be glad. Have a good one!
Yes! Blessings for a wonderful day !
Hope you are enjoying your Sunday!
Yes, thank God indeed!
Hi Julie, what a beautiful verse you chose. I love this song by Point of Grace that says: "Jesus doesn't care what you've done before
How you've rebelled or slammed the door
No matter how far you've run or how long you've been untrue
Jesus doesn't care
He still offers forgiveness to you"
This was appropriate as I am pouting today because I got my new fourth grade students and I have one who is really, really difficult in his behaviour. So I need to remember that Jesus loves him too and there has to be a way to get through to this kid that he makes class miserable for everyone else when he acts up-- without making him feel bad too! ugh!!!!!
Happy Sunday night!
Yes, good to remember God loves all of us and welcomes all of us to come to Him. We have the means by which to turn from our old ways towards Him who is perfect. Humbling!
Many blessings to you,
I love Jesus!!!! He is so loving and such an example for me.
What a nice post. We all need reminders sometimes!
I need reminders so thank-you! We would be all in a heap of trouble if he didn't dine with the lepers and sinners! I fall short all the time but what a wonderful loving example I have to always fall back to...Jesus! xoxo, cherry
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