As I pondered over about what my today would include I read some emails. I get a daily devotional from Crosswalk and one from Joel Osteen (smiling Joel, as I like to call him.) I also get an email on "Daily Tips For Being a More Generous Wife." I can't always seem to apply those tips as I would like, ha ha. But, as I was reading these emails this morning I thought of my new blogging friends. On the surface everything appears to be in order. Their lives appear fulfilled. Their houses appear beautiful. And their relationships appear to be thriving. But it occurred to me that sometimes the truth is hidden just beneath the surface. What if every day one or some or all put on a brave face and type as though they have no worries but in reality they're suffering inside? Is that possible? These well-put-together moms and friends and sisters. Is it possible that they're struggling with issues such as I on any given day?
Crosswalk's devotional today included a piece about Paul's letter to the Romans, ""Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves." This passage calls us past the neighbor level, past the acquaintance level, past the "just friends" level, and up to familial devotion. It calls us to look at those around us and consider how we can honor them with our time and attention, as we would our brother or sister."
The email from Joel: "Your time is coming! The dreams and desires, the things you want to accomplish, the situations you want to see changed will happen. Just because it has taken a long time, or because you’ve tried and failed, don’t give up on those dreams. Don’t be complacent about pursuing what God has placed in your heart. I encourage you today — get your fire back! It may be taking a long time, but God is a faithful God. No matter how long it’s been, no matter how impossible it looks, if you’ll stay in faith, your time is coming. Every dream that’s in your heart, every promise that has taken root, God not only put it there, but He has every intention of bringing it to pass. Start declaring today, “My time is coming… God is working behind the scenes on my behalf… I will fulfill my destiny… I will fulfill the plan God has for my life!” As you declare and expect and wait for the appointed time, your faith will grow. Your hope will grow. And you’ll step into the destiny God has in store for you!"
I have often told my mother (Mommy of Nunnie's Attic) that God is talking to me. Once I whispered that to her in church and she whispered back: Right now? And we giggled a little. But I seriously believe that when you open your heart and your ears to the Lord that He will answer you. It may not come in the answer you were hoping for. Or in the designated time you prayed about. But it will come! And in doing so, listening for the word of God, you perhaps bend your ear to another. You tend to comfort people a little more. Rejoice with them a little more.
So again I think of my new friends. And I hope that their lives are as they seem in blogland. But I know that may not be the case for some or all for that matter. So I offer up this prayer for you. May you find courage, hope and peace in it:
Father, I ask You to bless my friends, relatives and those that I care deeply for, who are reading this right now. Show them a new revelation of Your love and power. Holy Spirit, I ask You to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them Your peace and mercy. Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence through Your grace. Where there is need, I ask you to fulfill their needs. Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings. Amen.
Hi, Julie! welcome to blogging. You will find it's going to be so hard to visit everyone that you find. so glad you stopped by to see me...I love making new friends too. Hope you'll come back soon.
Julie, this post was amazing. And yes, we all have issues beneath the surface because we are human. Nothing will be perfected until His coming.
Thanks for the encouraging words. I'm glad you 'found' me. You are a sweet, kind, funny woman.
May we be strong in our pursuit of being a Proverbs 31 woman.
Amen..a very moving post and Thank You for the Blessing! Joel has actually inspired me as well to live with gratitude. That is why I blog....to remind myself (and others) of our blessings and the beauty around us. I remind myself often that no matter what I am going through there are so many others that are experiencing things I probably couldn't comprehend.
You are indeed a wonderful new friend!
Blessings for a wonderful day.
Thanks for the prayer, Julie. If I'm experiencing something out of the perfection of "blog land" you'll typically read about it! Ha!
It's kind of strange that you posted this because yesterday when I was having my devotion time I actually read the chapter that includes the "golden rule" and reflected on how many people know it, but don't apply it - myself included. I pray for my blog buddies daily and thank you for including me in yours as well.
Hope you have a great weekend.
Preach it sister! This was lovely!
This was a lovely, lovely post. Girlfriend - you are right. I know we all have the crap to deal with in life. What I love about this blogging stuff is meeting kindred spirits that enjoy taking the time with each other to enjoy the things that we love and like to laugh about. I am new to blogging and I must tell you that has really helped me deal with crap knowing that I can escape and hook up with virtual friends. Love, Esther
HI Julie! Your comment on my blog was so sweet and I laughed at how your Nunnie cut her shoes out, too. Now there are Crocks ~ wonder if our Nanny/Nunny would've worn a pair.
Thank you for the prayer for us blogging friends. Life is not always sprinkled with laughter and bliss, but each day is as we make it. We can either make it good or we can pull the sheets over our eyes and sulk. Tomorrow is not promised to anybody, therefore we need to make today the best that we can.
Thank you!
He is a fine preacher and reaching so many people.
Hi Julie, thanks so much for visiting my new blog! It's so nice to discover your wonderful and thoughtful writing! I look forward to reading more.
Julie, what a wonderful post...it really spoke to my heart...thank you!
I also want to thank you and your sweet mom for leaving me such nice comments on my blog...you both are too kind!
Hi Julie,
Your post gave me goosebumps...I needed that today. How blessed we are to have this circle of friends. Thank you for the lovely prayer.
Amazing, isn't it?! I struggled all morning about what God might want me to post today. There was only one thought, "His Name". But what, Lord, what do you want me to say about Your name? Then...then I found my very favorite song on utube AND it had the lyrics right in the video. There's something about this particular song that gives me that hushed reverence. I was in tears and just knew this was the only thing I needed to post. Let the Holy Spirit continue to lead your posts! It's amazing how He lays His message for the day on various people. Oh, how I hope I'm obedient and pass that on every single time. Even when I'm afraid to. Someone today in our circle needs His words... your prayer...my song... His words. Thank you for being obedient today! Blessings... Polly
Ahhh so true! Thank-you for this eleqouently put reminder. I have been so happy to "meet" so many of you. For me it is hard to find others with the same passion for homemaking etc. here where I live. You all fill that void for me. Thank-you for the prayers...they are appreciated..and right back at ya! xoxo, cherry
I'm new to blogging as well. It is such a fun and inspiring thing to do. I look forward to visiting you again.
Rich blessings,
aahh. so nice to meet you! So glad to see that unlike I... Some folks can post about our Lord and really touch folks! keep it up! I really enjoyed reading your post.
Your honesty is radiant. What a pleasure it is to meet you.
Thank you all for such sweet comments. You truly are a wonderful group of people and I am blessed for having met you.
Love to all,
HI! I followed the link from SavvyCityFarmer!
I get the email from Joel too, and I look forward to it every day...
Oh my goodness what a beautiful, beautiful post... :) Going back to read it again...thanks for your visit on my blog btw!
Hi Julie! Thank you for the beautiful prayer! I saw your comment on my blog and spent some time reading your blog... I will reply to your comment via e-mail tomorrow, and will tell you more. So glad you like my recipes! Blessings.
I really need to add you to my bloglines, I don't want to miss anymore of your blessings!
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