But, rather than get bogged down in the possibility of a sinus infection or bronchitis which always follows in my case, I decided to look at the positive. Cooler weather means only one thing should be happening. Baking!! It's not possible to feel miserable when you're enjoying a piece of pumpkin pie or gingerbread. My daddy loves pumpkin pie. So I think that tomorrow I'll make one. Since everyone gathers at my house after church on Sunday won't it be nice to offer them a piece of pumpkin pie? Just sounds comforting, doesn't it? And my mother just gave me a few glass pie plates. I'm taking that as a sign.
Now I can't make a pie crust like my mother. I have tried and tried and tried. I use her recipe which is 3:1. Meaning 3 cups flour to 1 cup Crisco. Ice cold water and a pinch of salt. Pastry chefs tell you to let your dough rest. My mother never did. But when my crust didn't come out like hers - you know, perfect - I thought I would try that little trick. Didn't work. Still doesn't come out like hers. It's not bad just not hers. The only consolation I can take is that my pumpkin pie is still better than no pie at all.
And today I think I'll make some cookies. I found a delicious sounding recipe on the Nestle website for Butterscotch Gingerbread cookies. Doesn't that sound divine? I read the reviews and over a hundred people said that these cookies were delicious. Can't argue with that. So the boys will have a little treat when they get home from school. My niece and nephew stop on their way home everyday so they can enjoy some too. My husband will think I'm great. And my house will smell delicious. So when I go grocery shopping today I better stock up. Pretty soon it will time to start baking for Christmas!!
Butterscotch Gingerbread Cookies
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Level: Easy Rated:
Source: | ![]() |
Estimated Times:
Preparation - 15 min | Cooking - 9 min | Cooling Time - 15 min
Directions: |
Julie -- Yum! Once again, It's not even 8am, and you've got me craving baked goods! ;) It must be so nice to have all your extended family close by.
Have a great weekend; I hope the allergies pass you by!
high of 58 tomorrow?! I'm so jealous!! I love the change in seasons whether its summer to fall or winter to spring, I love them both!!
forcing the change to fall (before the 'official' one), I switched all my air fresheners from summer scents (tropical) to fall (apple cinnamon). Love the smells of fall, apple cinnamon, pumpkin, etc.)
Sounds good to me, pass the expresso.
Oooo, I love the idea of baking now that it's getting cool outside! I've been running myself ragged the last several weeks. Maybe I'll take Monday off and bake with the kids. It's a good reason to have all those lovely aprons =) Thanks! Blessings... Polly
Ahhh, yes, cooler weather. Love it! Here in California it will be 80 today and cools down to 50's at night.
The cookies look delicious! BTW, have you read the October edition of Country Home? There is a long article about homemade pies. The writer said the secret is to keep all of the utensils cold (bowl, spoon, etc) and bake in a glass pan (like you). I was reading the article yesterday and my stomach growled so loud! The chocolate pie is amazing!
Have a great day and stop by for a visit!
oh Julie...can I come over ?? LOL
Your house must smell divine! The scents of Fall...crunching leaves and baked goods in the oven.
Blessings for a GREAT day!
My house is always open! As the late great Rosemary Clooney would croon - Come on to my house, my house come on!!
might have to make a batch of those ! YUM
Oh, I would really like to eat those tasty treats. Wish I had time to bake them, but instead, I am decorating for Christmas. Way to bypass Fall and go straight for winter, huh?! I do like my job, though so I am not complaining. After I get my little project done here I am definitely baking things. That is the best thing about fall and the cooler weather. Baking!
yum... and try to stay healthy! We are off to the doctor's office after school today. My son has a chest cold that won't go away (and a soccer game tomorrow morning...brrr). Have you gotten rain? I figure if you did, then it's coming our way!
Bethany-There was a threat of rain all day today - 40%. But it only rained for like 5 minutes around 3. So who who knows. I said, I will never understand Mother Nature.
Baking or cooking, either one soothes me.
Because this is an old house...we have no dishwasher, thus the cleanup becomes a bit overwhelming.
mmmmm, I can almost smell your cookies.
Thank you so much for sharing your recipes! I cheat and buy mine (pie crusts )...shhhh...
Oh they look so tasty!! Hope you enjoy them and have a lovely weekend!
The butterscotch cookies sound devine. I'd love to have some with you!
Maybe you're being too hard on yourself, about the pie crust. It's probably just as good as hers. I wish I had a fool-proof crust recipe for you, but I don't. I'm always changing things around.
Hope your allergies won't be too bad this year. Everyone has them really bad, down here. It's the ragweed.
Happy baking!
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