So, needless to say, I was not in a good mood. But, I poured some coffee, turned on the computer and found that a whole bunch of people left me a comment yesterday evening! Let me clarify one thing though for you sweet gems: I don't expect you to leave a comment everytime. It's always so nice to hear from you. But I don't expect it and I know how life has a tendency to interrupt the time set aside for fun. And in case you were wondering - I was not venting about any one of you. If you have ever left me a comment - or if I have never visited your blog before and left a comment myself - rest assured it's not you bugging me!
Anyway - sweet Michelle at Vintage Pastiche has tagged me in 7 Things About Me game. This is a little hard for me as I tend to ramble about myself a lot. So, it's not easy coming up with 7 things you may not already know. But, let me give it a try...
1. I have a terrible temper. It is not something I'm proud of and is something that I pray about all of the time. Someone once told me not to pray for patience because God will give you trials to work out. But I know that it is through those trials that I can feel God holding my hand. So I pray anyway.
2. At my heaviest, I was in a size 26! I'm now in a size 16, after having vertical banded gastroplasty. I now feel great, can run up my stairs and not die, and can shop in stores other than Lane Bryant and Avenue. WOO HOO!!
3. I am terrible at math. I hate math and I knew as I was struggling to learn the Pythagorean theorem in school that nothing I would ever do would require the use of this knowledge. And true enough, I don't ever use this. The only thing I ever understood in geometry was the "given."
4. I like to think that I'm sort of a Snow White-Gypsy-Mae West combination. I love taking care of my family and everyone else who drops by. I have a wild gypsy streak and I walk around singing Cher all of the time. I like sexy things, not raunchy things and I often shimmy like Mae telling Kenny to come up and see me some time. Now I blush!
5. I dated my husband's brother for about a month about 9 years ago. Kenny was married then and when his brother and I broke up I remember him telling me that he didn't like Dan's new girlfriend (now wife) and will always like me better! He and his best friend (my best friend's husband now) were out one night as were me and Holly. Kenny bought me a "chip" for another drink and I never cashed it in. I still have it to this day. Suffice it to say - I got the better brother!
6. I have been best friends with my girlfriend Holly since the 1st day of kindergarten. Let's see, that's 29 years now. How many people can say they have been friends with someone that long, let alone when you're only 34??
7. I love to ride on the back of Kenny's motorcycle. He has a Kawasaki Spectre. Some day we will own a Harley. But alas, we just can't afford one right now. But we already have the clothes! I love holding on to him as we ride. And when I hug him, putting my head on his shoulder and he reaches down to rub my leg we connect as two souls merged into one. There is no greater feeling and I fall in love again.
That was not easy! It was fun, but not easy. Now rather than name 7 other people to play, I thought I would extend the invitation to everyone. It's always fun to learn a little bit about people that wouldn't normally come up in land of blogs. Are there any facts people would be surprised to learn about you? Play along and let us get to know ya!

They were such interesting facts about you! How incredible that you have been friends with your best friend so long! And I would be terrified to get on a motorbike-I think you are very brave!xx
It is exhausting, isn't it?! I actually dated my sister's husband about a zillion years ago for just a short time so I understand that wierd family dynamic thing. You're so fun! I love coming over to read about your life. Blessings... Polly (p.s. I have a bad temper too - redhead, ya know)
Oh, I can relate -- we had no mornings to sleep in either!!! Maybe a nap this afternoon? We have a Harley plant in York, about 20 minutes from where I live. They give tours--you'd probably love it! My husband and I love watching that motorcycle show on cable (I can't even think of the name!!) But the funny thing is, I am too scared of them to ever ride one...we call them organ donor machines! Off to get some lunch....
Riding on the back of a Harley through city traffic is the ultimate adrenaline sport...;)
Just added you to my blog list. :)
I finally get to sleep well at about 2AM. I wold have gone fog hunting for a head myself.
If you can count to 10 you are good at math is my thinking.
You are quite a girl....hogs and all.
Julie you are so funny. I like that you still have the drink chip. I hold on to sentimental things like that too.
I'm right there with you on the Harley, but my husband is the sport bike type. Opposites....
Hi Julie,
How I loved this post!! You had me at the line about expecting your hubby to have a head in his hands to present to you!! LOL!! I love that you openly admit to having a too! Mine flares up over silly stuff at times, but I do my best to be a good girl the rest of the time!!
Thanks for coming by lately and for adding me to your blogroll. I feel quite honoured and will hustle back and add yours, too! I love the humour you put in your posts and I read, with a nodding head,your post about the comments. We all get busy, but boy is it nice to get comments. Sometimes I wonder if low comments on a post means it was a boring one!! Oh well, I do it for myself, so any response is much appreciated...
Have fun on that motorbike, but be careful!!!
LOL big time about the sleeping in thing! Ain't that just something that would happen? That guy is sure lucky he didn't end up on your platter! Love your honesty about yourself! Cute too. Your just a doll, Julie! Love, Esther
Sleeping in? What's that ...I am so jealous...with three little ones in the house it will be awhile for me ...ha ha ..Siza 16 you go girl...Losing weight is sooo hard and am proud of you ...maybe one day you'll have your own Harley!
Julie, we get up at 4:30 every morning, too and the weekends are our sleep-in days except that 6am is usually sleeping in, how sad is that????
I think it's awesome that you had VBG and feel so good now. Good for you!
And your temper, well sweety, just keep praying that's what I!
Ah, yes, our quirky personalities. Hope you have a wonderful day and look forward to reading your posts.
That was really interesting to read! I too strugle with my weight! I had my thyroid removed about three years ago and have gained an awful 60 pounds. I am sooooo glad that this body is only temporary! :)
I once dated my sister's husband twin brother. More for the novelty of it. ;-)
And that is incredible about your friendship with Holly.
It was all interesting to read. I'm glad you did that.
You mentioned ou were Italian, at some point, I believe. Is this where your temper comes from?
Congrats on your weight loss! That's wonderful.
I can't believe you've been friends that long! My friends always move away. : (
I like your Snow White-Gypsy-Mae West combination! Go get 'em tiger!
My temper is mostly just my own doing...but Yes, I am Italian so I like to think that in some small way I have no control over it. I'm 3/4 Italian and 1/4 Irish. So...
Hi Julie,
Loved reading your 7 things. That is so great you lost all that weight and feel so good. Thanks so much for leaving all of your sweet comments while I was gone. It's fun catching up with you.
I am envious that you have had a best friend for so long. I've lost touch with mine, after she moved across country. A few years later we lost touch.
Enjoyed reading your little known facts very much, always fun to get to know people a bit better!
Hi JULIE!! I loved reading those interesting facts that we didn't know! :) WOOO HOOO for you on the weight loss!! That is wonderful!! We would also like a harley but have to wait, actually I like Victory's and want one of those but don't tell hubby. ;)
SO glad you played along. :)
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