Even her store front is cute!

Fabrics and curtains!

Do the barn stars look familiar??

Rows and rows of Yankee candles!

One of her Christmas displays that she has up already!

A larger version of the "Live well, Laugh often, Love much" canvas I have on my mantle!

Rose hips, berry garland, samplers!

Wreaths, crocks and baskets!

Canvases, lanterns and plates!
I hope that you enjoyed a peek inside my favorite store. She's located 902 3rd Avenue New Brighton, PA 15066. She's thinking about blogging. I told her how much fun it can be and I think she's considering it.
Oh and do you remember me telling you about the new indoor flea market where I bought my fireplace screen? Well it appears that Dana recognized me from my blog and commented that she sold me the screen! How great is that? Not only does she love to go junking she blogs too! Check out Dana at Cottage At Doe Hill.
One more thing. We have new miniature Christmas pictures for your dollhouse, craft station at home or cubicle at work. Be sure and enter the coupon code "Blogger" when you check out to save an additional 5% (on top of the 20% discount) to help with shipping costs on all of your purchases this Christmas. Check out the Attic!

cute place...I have the sign,and the dishes in the last picture...the ones that look like wood but are plastic. (I got them for my birthday:))
What a fun place, the candles alone would set me back 100 dollars!
have a 'better day'!!
~ lori
OMG - My dh would take one look in there and not let me go in!! :) Great place...
What an awesome store! I would be going in there all the time too! Thanks for sharing. I also went to Doe Hill and it is really cute too!
:0) Sharon
Hi Julie! I would LOVE to spend some serious shopping time in the store for sure! Love your photos....
BTW...you are a sweetie and Thank You so much for leaving those flattering comments on my blog....I love Stevie Nicks too!...funny though...a lot of people say I look like Linda Blair...I hope thats when she OUT of makeup!! Ha Ha!~
Looks like one fun place to shop Julie. Do you take an empty wallet to save yourself ~ LOL! I really love having scented candles in the house. I can't get Yankee candles here although I buy Bridgewater which is an American candle company that seems to be hard to find in your area. My favorite Bridgewater scent is called Spiced Cidre. What is your favorite scent?
~~ Heidi ~~
that is so wild about Dana! Small world gets smaller every day!!
What a fun shop. Hope you have a lovely day, dear one.
What a nice place! Very homey and welcoming.
Oh yes, I could spend a chunk of change in there :-)
Oh, what a great place! I could almost smell all those candles -- yum!
Thanks for the tour!
I could get lost in that store! Such interesting things and displayed really well. Yep, my credit cards would be burning.
So glad you were able to stop by! And so glad I can now post to your blog!! I love your store...I am really getting into the Christmas spirit... its so much fun to go around and see what everyone has to offer... I am just getting started on selling ...hopefully in a few weeks ..my online "shelves" will be filled with wonderous things..
As for Da Vinci...isnt that the most amazing thing you have ever seen? and to be so close to it from your computer...
Just want you to know that I LOVE your blog!!
came across your blogg. wanted to say i love it. the shop looks like a good place to spend some money. Thanks for sharing.
If I could squeeze my butt through this monitor I would be in that shop buying something!...Did I say that outloud?
Awesome story! 100 wouldn't go far there, I'd need at least 200!
Is it Christmas already?
Great place full of warmth and charm!
Okay...that looks like one of those shops that smells soooooo yummy when you go into it! Thanks for sharing....hope your week is going better!
smiles, kari and kijsa
Now THAT's my kind of place. I'd love to have it nearby. Lucky you! Thanks for sharing. Hope she begins to blog. If so, let us know, so we can welcome her properly.
It's adorable!
Any store with the word "Shoppe" is bound to be a treasure trove!
That's my kind of store! It looks so warm and friendly.. I see why you love it so much.
Oh wow I wanna come shop so bad! I would need lots more than $100.00
and a bus to bring it back in hehe.
What a darling shop! I could truly spend serious shopping time there. I see why it's your favorite shop. Linda
Great shop!!
I could see spending some money there.
What a neat store. It's too bad there's not a franchise location around here!
What a great place, love the Christmas display. And you just had to rub it in that Pittburgh beat us huh? LOL That's okay, I luv ya anyway!
Oh my gosh! I just love the store... I'd probably visit often if I lived near...
Love all the Christmas stuff too!
and..your 'Monday rant' sounded like me yesterday!lol!!
Thanks for visiting me the other day and alerting me to Linda's post.
That is a cute store. And I love your little prints. Those are so neat!
(clap clap clap)
I have been ready for Christmas since May! I could do damage in that store!
I'd shop there!
I've been to this store and it is very nice. I wish there were more like it around here.
thanks for the nice comments you lefton my blog.
Ok, I just want to say that Kari and Kijsa must hire about 30 people to post comments for them because those girls have their name EVERYWHERE I go! I am not kidding! It takes me hours to visit my favorites, but invariably I get to one and there they are. And the next one, there they are. I thought it was just because there are two of them but good grief, they must have a team working for them. And I am going to ask them about that personally. LOL, they crack me up.
Eh hem, how great to have a wonderful store so close by! I would be in trouble for sure.
And you are being recognized by your blog? Oh, my! Now you've got me worried. I better watch my words because you never know who might be reading!
Happy Day Julie.
Looks like a wonderful place...
I spied several treasures I think I need!
The shop is darling! I can see why you love it! And the Christmas music? Yeah! Less than 2 months --- I need to find my CD's!!!!!
That IS a really cool store. It looks so old-fashioned from the outside. I love Yankee candles, don't you?
When I go into a store with them, I have to smell every single one. I like the food scents. ;)
Happy Halloween!!!
Your favorite shop looks like one I would pick to be my favorite too. I am a huge Yankee Candle fan:)
Oh, this shop is so wonderful. It would be great to see. Kristy and I might have to hunt it if she stays in New York and visits me. I have to see how far it is from me.
This looks like my cup of tea!
I love, love, love this store!!!! Julie, I wonder if you are getting my e-mails, pls. check your spam box. Thanks for sharing such beauty! I love crafts.
Julie-I would love to visit this shop-no wonder it's your favourite!! And I can't get enough of Yankee candles-I love the gingerbread and cinnamonny ones! Just enjoying catching up on your blog now!xx
Wish I could have been there with you! :)
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