1. My digital camera is so temperamental I swear it's a woman going through "the change."
2. My youngest son refuses to listen to me when I say "Enough junk" and then wonders why his stomach is so upset.
3. My husband is a royal bear in the morning as if I have some control over the weather.
4. Left to his own resources, my oldest son would fail English, freeze in the elements and never brush his teeth!
5. My cats are former Nascar hopefuls when they're not passed out.
6. Our police scanner is a veritable pantheon full of freaks and weirdos.
7. Dust continues to collect and gather.
8. Allergies suck.
9. I probably don't have enough Halloween candy.
10. And I'd really rather just go back to bed!

Oh my gosh, Julie, you had me laughing out loud over this one! I have one more to add from my morning: why, with a car full of crap, can I never find the windshield scraper when I'm late...
Hope the week will get beter for you!
Ha Ha! This is great. I found one more thing that you and I have in common; We start Christmas music in Oct. Yay! Have a merry Monday!
You are too funny! I too am pulling out the Christmas music! I think we will begin decorating soon depending on when we are moving that is.....
You have my permission to go back to bed and wake up again!
Been there, Sister.....different list but the same sentiments!
As my Dad would say it time to "pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get on with it".
Sure hope the rest of the day improves :-)
My husband is a royal bear in the morning
Mine is too which is bad cause I'm a total morning person.
Oh Julie!!Go back to bed and start over! I hope your day gets better! Thanks for your sweet words on the Red Sox...I know that took a lot from you!LOL'
LOL!! I love one of your last gripes...about not having enough Halloween candy! It sounds like it is the straw that breaks the camel's back today!! I agree, Mondays can be tough!!! I hate making the kid's lunches!!!
You can't go back to bed! You have to read blogs!
Oh this is cute. I was laughing too. I'm sure your day will get better, it has to.
Aw Julie I am sending you a virtual hug.....
I know mondays suck.....But as I tell my kids
"Don't sweat the small stuff"
Hope your week gets better sweetpea!
XOXO, Dolly
My advice? Go out right away and buy some pink sunglasses to look at life through on days like this. It will get better or you could just run away. LOL! Nah! You would miss them all.
When is trick or treat at your end? I know my mother just had hers on Sunday.
~~ Heidi ~~
Hi Julie..you made my day better already....your post gave me a good laugh! I always thought it was just me who had some of these issues, I fell better knowing I'm not alone:). Hope things are better when you read this. Linda
Monday mornings....ugh! I agree with you on that. Just be thankful to live another day & then go back to bed!
Big hug, Debra
Yeah, today my son went through his Monday morning rant (mind you, he is only 7), 'I hate school, no one would go to school if they didn't have to, it is so long and so boring, all we get to do is work..." blah blah blah blah blah. If he only knew what is in store for the next 3,000 Mondays of his life.
I don't blame you, go back to bed!
my sentiments exactly!
Hi Juilie
OMG! I was just looking at your blog and I realized that I sold you the fireplace screen from my booth at the new flea market!! Doe Hill is the name of my booth! Nice to have met you!!lol!
#4,5,7,10 are just like my house!! Great post... Nice to have a chuckle on a Monday morning!! :)
Hah! You are a crack up! You are so real and I so appreciate that! My day was off to a seriously icky start and reading your post helped me feel not so alone on Monday morning blues! Thank you Julie! Cece
Oh, do you know, playlist doesn't have my absolute favorite secular Christmas song... "White Christmas" by Bing Crosby... *sigh* What's a Christmas music list without it!?
Hugs to Jules!
LOL at you Julie, I feel the same way today. I vowed I would work on my website all day today. It's now 3 pm and I haven't done a darn thing. Just can't seem to get motivated but your post for today made me laugh and that's a good thing. Ok...now on to my website to work. Hugs to You ~ Lynn
Loved your rant, Julie! You hit on a few things for me, too!
You are sooo funny! I hear you. I am relaxing after the wedding, by reading blogs today. I have dust and ashes at my house, and I don't know if I have enough candy either.
My daughter called to tell me they arrived safely in Rome, so all is good with the newlyweds.
Honey, call in sick!
I love the Christmas music. Mary
You crack me up...
Your morning sounds like all my mornings!
Awwww...Julie, some mornings just really need a rewind button, don't they?! Sending you hugs and happy thoughts, and hoping that Tuesday morning is a good one! :-)
I hope this finds you up and ready for the day...it is 2:10 here in Cali!! Your post is funny!!!! LOL about the cats!!! vrrrrrmmm!!
PS: Glad to know that there is another Tom Selleck freak-a-dink out there besides me!!
And that's why women get along so well! We commiserate...and Julie, I hear you!!!!!!! Oh, I wish I could crawl back in bed and let everyone go about their day without my help...but no such luck. Try to have a good week! It's so cold here now and I'm assuming in Pittsburgh too!
LOL.....Monday's aren't supposed to be funny, but you are!
Have a blessed rest of the week (it's going to get better.....we just know it)!
smiles, kari and kijsa
LOL...spoken like a true mom. Hope your evening is fairing a bit better with friendly men, clean little geniuses, and well behaved felines. :)
julie! we are having the same day !! i too am really beginning to think it's time for me get a full time job! lol...these kids are driving me nuts. (gotta love'em tho!) :::wink:::
A full time job OUTSIDE of the home!
Too funny Julie! I love the one about your cats! I know just what you mean. Some Mondays are like that.
Amen sister. Just got home and im ready for a few days in bed. I can agree on alot of those things hehe.missed you,brenda
You are so funny! Monday mornings are not my favorite either. Thanks for the sweet comments. I thought I'd take a few minutes and peek in. Hope the rest of your day got better!
Donna xo
I'm kinda glad to read your list. I was beginning to wonder if you did anything besides visit other blogs, pray for other people, and leave sweet words. =) Blessings... Polly
i would opt for 10...back to bed...actually, i would never even get up...blessings, rebecca
Take the day off. Mondays are always easier when they come on Tuesday.
Sounds like a typical Monday morning.....
So, how do you really feel? LOL....
Rainy days and Mondays.....
Oh man! You are having one rough day.
It'll get better!
Halloween is tomorrow...maybe if you pulled some pranks, you'd feel better. Do it! Do the fork thing, take pictures, and post on your blog.
It sounds like it was one of those days where you'd like to just pull the covers back over your head and stay in bed. LOL!
I'm with you on #10 especially with the cold, dark mornings!
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