Thanks for stopping by the attic. Take a peak inside. You never know what treasures you might find.

For the animal in all of us!

Because sometimes regular coffee just won't do!

Everyone can use a few more angels!

A 4-piece set!

Let it Snow!

Ho Ho Ho!

More Let it Snow!

Mmmm, hot cocoa!

For that gorgeous Christmas cake!

Let the countdown begin!

Who says Santa wears bright red??

The Reason for the Season!

FREE---With any order from the Santa Shop. A Selection of Festive Recipes from the Four Corners of the Globe! Everything from Drinks to Candies and Delicacies.

Hi there, came across your it. Thanks for the gentle reminder that we must begin our shopping soon. 9 weeks is not that long really. I wish it was a task we could do in a day!
Wow- Not that long until Christmas! (and great stuff too!) We need to get shopping for Christmas gifts...Although, we do like the thought of rewarding ourselves for not burning dinner!LOL
kari & kijsa
Great minds...I usually wait until Nov 1 to put Christmas music on, but a lot of blogs have been talking of Amy Grant's new book Mosaic, Pieces Of My Life So Far, that I christened the season with her 3 Christmas albums. CLASSIC. I might come shopping later. Let the season begin!
Great ideas --- beautiful things. Thanks for prodding me in the direction of Christmas. Only nine weeks? Yikes!
Your blog has certainly put me in the holiday spirit. My mother always played those lovely Christmas songs beginning after dinner on Thanksgiving...a tradition I seem to follow.
Have a great weekend:-) Hope you found lots of Christmas goodies:-)
Thanks for scaring me just now... I had to count the weeks on the calendar myself! Let the shopping begin!!!
I can't believe only 9 weeks till Christmas! I'm one of those that waits till after thanksgiving before I go shopping. You have such pretty things. I'll be back later!
Donna :)
Hmmm....You're right! I might need to do a little Christmas shopping. Everything looks great.
Wow, only 9 weeks! Crazy! That means only 9 Saturdays. Yes, we must get in gear! I like your gift ideas!
That cookbook sound like an amazing gift! I'll try to pop over later (got sick ones at home lately). 9 weeks? really? Ugh. I'm usually so much further ahead by this time. Oh, can't wait to see your Craig's List sofa!!! Blessings... Polly
Great Julie,
I will have to start shopping soon.
I will take a look at your shop, as soon as I can.
Have a great weekend,
Yikes, 9 weeks I can't believe it. Love the hoildays but they seem to come faster and faster each year. I'm enjoying the Christmas music:). Linda
You have some awesome things in your store!!! I just might have to pass the word.
Thank you for your well wishes! They mean alot! We seem to be on the mends.. Hugs!
I enjoyed going to the attic to look around. Is the picture the actual shop or is it an online shop? You might have mentioned it before, but I am new at this.
Ok - YOU just stressed me out to the MAXXXX!! I am trying not to think of it in weeks...months yes, weeks, NO. ha. xo, Becky
How beautiful!
I can't beleive it is that time of year again... This summer has just been so awful around here...
This elf is working overtime in Santa's Workshoppe. I am almost done with one box and ready to ship it off to Kristy. Shhh! Don't tell her. :) Next I have to start on her sister's stuff. You think each year that you are organized and ready and yep there it is! The calendar seems to have jumped ahead all of the sudden.
~~ Heidi ~~
These are lovely treasures to be sure....I am trying to pare down...the stuff I'm paring should come to the "attic"....
WOW!! I came over here and got quite a wake up call! 9 weeks??? HOLY COW!! Gulp!
Love your things, I'll have to make a trip to the attic ;)
Been missing you guys, sorry I haven't been around. :(
Hi Julie-only 9 weeks to go...scary!!
I am on my way to getting our shopping done. I make many of them so I work on them throughout the year and I have bought some already. I just love Christmas. It's TRULY, the most wonderful time of year!
Just nine weeks? Are you kidding?
Julie, I have to get busy, busy, busy! Hey, I collect snowmen stuff and recipe books! Maybe I need to give a few hints around my house!
Ah Christmas shopping already!
I need to start soon...
I am still holding on to my Christmas award so I can do a proper Christmas is coming post!
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, I can almost smell them now!
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