A new blogging friend, Jason at Redneck Nerd Boy posted yesterday about Halloween hijinx. And it got me thinking. My girlfriend and I would sneak up into the corn fields by our house and pull corn in the summer. We would dry it out all summer long and then around Halloween we would go cornin'. Dried corn doesn't really do any damage to it's intended target. But it sounded really cool when it hit the house. Ping, ping, ping, ping, ping! Hehehehe - we made a loud noise!
But my most favorite prank was not only not destructive, it could actually benefit the homeowner in the long run. We would buy plastic forks in bulk quantity. Then sneak into yards and "fork" em. HA! I still get a kick out of that one. Imagine waking up and looking out your window only to see a million forks sticking up out of your yard. Giggle giggle. Now before anyone gets their bikinis in a bunge, think about all the money those homeowners saved at their next picnic. Granted it was probably a slight pain in the dupa picking up all of those forks. But then all they had to do was wash them and voila - flatware for your picnic! It was our little take on "sticking it to the man." And what better way to say that than Fork You. HA HA HA!! I gotta say, I am really chuckling this morning as I type this. Good clean fun. Nobody got hurt and no property was damaged. But we thought we were SO cool.
So, does anyone have a prank they used to pull? Any stories of Halloween hijinx you'd like to share? No one's gonna tell on you. We won't call the police and we won't tell your kids....
On another note, thank you EVERYONE for your sweet comments on my anniversary. That meant so much to me and it truly touched my heart. As for our anniversary celebration - it went kabunk. Kenny was supposed to work until 7. He came home at 4:30 with a fever, stuffy head and nose. I on the other hand was suffering from intense stomach pain. I still made dinner and a cake though. We had steak parmesan and thin spaghetti. And I made a white cake with white icing and coconut in the shape of a heart (oh for pete's sake, I know!) His fever didn't alter his appetite. Well maybe a little. He only had one helping of each. Austin, on the other hand had two huge steaks and 2 mounds of spaghetti. He's 5'4 and he's only a hundred pounds!! So needless to say, we ate dinner. Sat on the couch each feeling sorry for the other and went to bed by 8:45. WOO HOO!! Whatever... Oh well, we still have this weekend, wink!
One more thing: Be sure and drop over at Cara's Cravings today to wish her good luck - she's getting married on Saturday!!

Morning Julie! I'm sorry you two aren't feeling well. Hopefully today will bring better health. We lived sorta out in the country when I was growing up so any pranks we did pretty much had to be done at our own house =) However, my husband and I have been youth leaders for many years now and we've taken the kids to do pranks (like forking) at the pastors house, etc. Sometimes I would even sneak a call to the person we were pranking so they could be ready with water balloons - LOL. I know, I'm just horrid. Mom always said I was a Nelly Olson if she saw one. Oh, yes that is my mom in the photo doing the interpretative dance. Well, heading out of town. Hope you have a romantic weekend! Blessings... Polly
I'm cracking up just imagining looking out the front window to find it full of forks!
I've heard of something similiar to that- pink flamingoing- it happened to my brother- he woke up to find his yard full of plastic pink flamingos- apparently it was some kind of fund raiser- a friend donated money to have the prank played, and then my brother had to call the charity organization and paid a donation to have his yard deflamingoed. Wish I had a picture of that!
NOW you tell me about the forks!!!!!!!!!! LOL...Sounds like your anniversary went like a lot of my past anniversaries...we are such old farts!! Ha Ha
Loved your post today!!!
Hi Julie, found your blog from Esther's.....loved your forking prank! We would move for sale signs from one house to another,we thought that was a hoot.
Hope you and your hubby are feeling better. I loved your wedding pictures, and happy anniversary a little late.
Hi Julie. First of all, regarding your anniversary, we had a similar experience on ours. We had tickets to John Mayer in an outdoor amphitheater this summer. Too bad we forgot about my husband's hay fever! Yep he started sneezing right when we arrived, had to take a nap in the car to calm his nose, and wound up with a splitting headache by the next morning when we were supposed to go out for breakfast! :-0 Life happens!
Now, for Halloween. The only thing I remember is as a teenager driving really slowly with a group a friends in the dark down a long alley way, past a supposed haunted house. No pranks though. I wasn't really a prank kind of kid! :-)
Hopefully you feel better soon. I can honestly say that I never played pranks. It sounds like you had a blast though! I would prefer forks to toilet paper, speaking strictly as a homeowner. :) Enjoy your weekend!
I, too, am sending get well wishes y'alls way.
It also aerates the lawn! Forking is the best idea I've heard in Forever! I'm using that this year... if my wife'll let me, that is.
What a lovely little blog you have! I'm really enjoying reading about you and your family.
I hope you both feel better right away and can enjoy the weekend together. My husband and I celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary in Sept. and our celebration was a mess. Maybe it's a 2007 thing!! LOL!
I'll be back to read your blog again! Feel free to stop on my my own, ScrapsaDaisy and say hello if you have a chance!
Happy Blogging!
Dang, Jas, we are even thinking alike... That's what I was going to say!!
I never did go out on Halloween... I was handing out with people lots older than me, and I thought that "prank stuff" was for kids... *sigh* I sort of missed out on part of my growing up by hanging out with older people...
I was a goodie goodie scardy-cat, always afraid of getting caught. Nope, I never did anything as a kid...but as a grown up, I did giggle my butt off when my husband hid and blew one of those loud air-cans every time a group of kids came up the walk. Of course, having a gaggle of teen age boys (my son and his buddies) all hiding in the bushes in costumes and jumping out just as the horn sounded added to the fun too!
Pull a prank...who me? Why I never...
Oh yeah I did, no eggs or shaving cream, but yeas I admit to TP. Our friends did it to our house so we did it back to them. Guess who had to clean it us, no my parents. They said"you're friends did it, you clean it up", and our friends parents did the same thing! I could tell you a few other things, but then I'd have to kill ya! hehe
Hilarious....I would love to see the look on the person's face with a yard full of forks. We don't really have any good prank stories (we were always too busy working on our costumes)!
smiles, kari and kijsa
I am from corn country too, in Indiana "corning" was a big thing this time of year. I remember running from the sheriff and hiding in the corn fields when we got caught too!
Never heard of corning or forking and I was laughing so hard at this post Julie. Made my day.
Sorry you two aren't feeling well.
Sounds like a good dinner though.
I never did any pranks like that.
Yours are very funny!
Harmless fun is always good.
Hi Julie!
I have visited here before and I always enjoy my visits! Thanks for posting on the 100th Post Giveaway! It is so fun watching the stream of faces and blog voices come through-- from all over the country and even Sweden and England! What a marvelous community this is!
I may have mentioned before that my hubby is from Reading, PA.. He misses the food-- not the snow. California has a way of doing that to people... {{SMILE}}
I need to check to see if your store is online.
Blessings, KJ
P.S. I will pray that you feel better!
I hope you and your husband are feeling well enough to celebrate your anniversary this weekend. Your anniversary night meal sounds delicious.
I'm so old that I can remember when the big Halloween prank was to steal an outhouse and put in some funny location, like in front of the school or police station or the mayor's front yard. (That was in the early '60s.)
As a teenager, my friends and I corned cars. Cars--isn't that terrible! I'm so embarrassed. About 1 in 20 cars would stop and chase us into the cornfield. I think a few even shot as us or maybe rather up in the air to scare us.
I love your fork idea. I wonder what the police would say if they caught me forking my neighbors. "Drop the forks and no body will get hurt!"
You know I once saw a tshirt that said "Forking leads to spooning"....
Just saying...
I never pulled any Halloween pranks, but in college my roommates and I got into a huge baby powder fight with the guys next door. I can't remember how it got started or how we happen to have 6 bottles of baby power, all I know is it left 2 apartments and 8 people completely dusted in white powder. At least it smelled good:)
Hope you and hubby are feeling better.
I popped over from Gina because I saw that you were Catholic...that got me over and I LAUGHED when I saw you were from around Pittsburgh...grew up there...in some ways never left..go Steelers!!
I am going to poke around a bit...It's nice to meet you!! What a cool thing blog world can be!!
never much of a prankster outside of my home..but inside, now THAT's a different story...all my dad's genes!!!:)
all right..too funny...October 4th, the day we were engaged..very GOOD day!! and we were married in the 'burgh!!
freezing cold in February, I might add!!:)
and as I scrolled down, this week I posted the mom video on my site...it's getting stranger by the minute!
I so enjoyed visiting your blog.
Your wedding pictures are wonderful. Have a great weekend.
I must be boring I have to say i was a good girl. I don't know why I was always against all that stuff even young. My poor kids didn't even get to go rolling with their senior class. I would always say some poor family needs that paper lol.
Hey Julie,
What a wonderful, heartwarming blog you have here! After reading just a few of your posts I feel as I already know you-- plus, you remind me of a very good friend of mine (the wanting-the-driver's- head-on-the-platter thing is *so* my friend Kate!)
Thanks so much for being so kind as to link me up-- I've already linked you at my blog, too. And might I just say that if *you* are a newbie to blogging then man--I'm in serious trouble! Your blog is so detailed it looks like you've been at it for ages... can I be just a little bit jealous?
I'm going to stop by & comment as often as I can...
PS. Also loved listening to Moon River while I was here, *sigh*... one of my all-time faves! Oh, and Happy (belated) Anniversary!
I never really did any Halloween pranks... I actually just posted about 'Homecoming'... TP (toilet paper)...yup, I've been known to TP a few trees in my time. Sorry you guys didn't feel well for your anniversary! Yes, there is always this weekend ;)
Anita's got a point. I'm liking the 'forking' idea more and more!
Ahh! I'm so behind on your posts. I hated not having internet all weekend.
Austin sounds like he can put it away. Maybe he will be really tall.
I love the stories of putting forks in the yard, and throwing corn at the house. I've never heard of doing that. That is sooo funny!
I'm trying to think of something I did, but I'm having trouble remembering
I like your music on your blog!
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