I have a few things that I want to share this morning. So bear with me if I seem a little scattered. First, I want to say thank you to everyone for the lovely comments that you all left yesterday for my mom. Well, for me too. But, thank you for remembering my mom. She takes such pride in her children. And I can't even begin to count the amount of times she has let me vent, given me advice, pampered me and yes, even told me when I'm being an ass. You gotta love that in a mom and I certainly do!
Secondly, Melissa from The Inspired Room also named me in the You Make Me Smile Award. I am so honored to have been given this award not once but twice! I think about everyone who comments on my post and not a one of them doesn't bring a smile to my face. To be able to keep company with such beautiful and caring people truly humbles me. And Dena at Swaddle Cottage gave the award to my niece, Gina. Oh what a sweet, sweet thing for her to do. Dena you have no idea how much you have just touched her soul. And I thank you for that as her very over-protective aunt.
Which now leads me to my own children. My son, Jesse, has started his own blog. Gina helped him set it up the other night. It was a surprise. If you have a minute, please check out his blog and offer him any suggestions that you can think of. I'm so proud of him!
Now about the music...I had only intended to keep Christmas music on the one day. It was just a little bit of whimsy for a post about a Christmas dinner. But, now - now that it's been up, I can't seem to bring myself to take it off. I love Frank Sinatra and it reminds me of Christmas when I was a little girl. My father loved Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack. And since he was not what one might call a "fan of all things music" (like my MOM!) we listened to them a lot. And while I'm sure that you can probably already tell from the stories I have relayed, my childhood was more than memorable. It was beautiful! And any trip down memory lane I can take, I do! So I hope you don't mind, but I think it's gonna be up for a while. I can listen to Christmas music in the dead of Summer. My sister - she doesn't play Christmas music until Thanksgiving night. She's very disciplined. It means more to her when she waits. Not me. I could listen to it at any time!
And lastly~ whew finally, huh~ I wanted to show you a new little purchase. I ordered this cute little crock at Yorke Towne Shoppe and it came in way faster than I had expected. My goal today is to get down there to take a few pictures for you to be able to see this magnificent place. She is in the process of changing her website which she does not like at all. I keep telling her to start blogging!! Anyway, isn't it just the cutest thing you have ever seen?? I love it!!
Ok, thank you all for bearing with me this morning while I tackled a few subjects. Have a great day everyone!!
One more thing: Please stop over and visit Robyn at The Happy House of Haas. Her house isn't so happy these days. Maybe offer a prayer for her and her family. Thanks!!

Good morning, sweet friend! I used the smaller container of cool whip. The best part of using pumpkin pie mix is that all the seasonings are in it. If you wanted to use solid packed pumpkin, you would need to use the seasonings you used in pumpkin pie. Thanks for telling me about using spinach, Bob was not a big fan of the kale. Have a great day!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Christmas music...Can it ever be too early to usher in that 'most wonderful time of the year...' Maybe if we start early enough..we can REALLY enjoy it for what it is supposed to be...peaceful!!
How cool a blog of HIS own!! I will check it out later..cool!
have a fabulous one!!
I am answering your comments on my
blog. Don't give up on your knitting. Everyone has trouble when they start. The needles always fell odd when you start. Keep going and before you know it, you will be making sweaters. My very first project was a cardigan. The girl who taught me insisted on it.
I'm going with your sister on the Christmas music and waiting until Thanksgiving evening. I do the same thing and it seems to trigger Christmas in my brain.
It is so cool that your son has his own blog! I enjoyed all his recipes. It's so nice that he gives you credit for being the best person he's cooked with.
I hate it when stores start putting Christmas stuff up at Labor Day.
Listening to Christmas music, though, is an entirely different subject. Love it!
Your new crock is really nice Julie. It is fun to find things we love.
~~ Heidi ~~
Nothing cooler than the Rat Pack! I love them, too...
I am a HUGE Christmas music fan... I force myself to wait until the day after THanksgiving, though, to listen to it... Doesn't stop me from catching myself whistling it year round! lol
Love that Christmas music!
Jesse's blog is great -- I'm going to make those cookies for my son, and try to send them to him without eating any myself. Wish me luck!
You already know about your award, right? You are so sweet, and you definitely make me smile!
We love the Rat Pack too... that's why I also love Michael Buble (or Michael Bubble as he's called here by my husband..who is jealous!). Hope you're having a great day!
ADORABLE....long ago I was a true blue fan of blue and white...then I put it to the side for a while...it's reviving in my soul.
any award you receive you deserve!!!
oh....p.s. you can play frank and his christmas anytime
bless you
chat soon
Ok, I have found more wonderful blogs today thanks to your post! You are such a special person! And, can I say that your whole family is posting so many wonderful recipes! YUMMMM..... I am getting hungry again! :) Love,
Wow you had a lot to say today.
I love Christmas music!! I also love Christmas movies.
I will check out your son's new blog, and I will go and visit Robyn.
I am to the point that anything you do seems good to me. I know that is nuts,but you are such an awsome person with a great heart. I do love the music.
Please come pick up your award doll.
What a darling mom you have! I'm off to see your son's blog. Blessings... Polly
never to early for christmas lol,Dawnx
love frankie and the rat pack! off to visit robyn....hope everything is ok ...
I simply love Christmas! Never too early for me! I just wish I could hear the music. I have to do something about sound on this box!!
I am with your sister on the Christmas music, sorry. I think I even wait until after Thanksgiving.
We put our tree up late, usually the 2nd week of Dec. Am I scaring
you. Have a great day, Julie!
Hooray ~ Hooray ~ The chandelier came to day! It's lovely ~ perfect ~
and hanging up where it was destined to shine in all its little crystal glory. I will post pics this week.
Big hug and thanks!!!!!! And very sweet post...and music. :)
The 'Rat Pack' Rocks!! Congrats on your award! You always make me smile!
Oh, by the way... Caldrea is nation wide. www.caldrea.com
there are a ton of stores in PA!
Hi, Julie! Congrats on the award, twice. And how about Christmas music on your blog. You're too funny! I's a bit early, but we'll endulge you, girl!
I think that's a sweet thing about you and your momma.
Now, Nunnie... we gotta talk! You're already playing Christmas music and it ain't even Halloween yet, ladyfriend!
I'll send you some Weird Al.
I am a HUGE Frank and all the rat pack fan! I have many of theirs on my blog too! Good ole Deano in there also! :)
I LOVE your Christmas music :)
Hi Julie,
I love Christmas music too and for the most part wait until Thanksgiving week, but I have one instrumental CD called Christmas guitar that I play year round. I love it! It cracks my kids up and they joke when they hear it and say oh, you're playing the summer music again! Or they'll say, this song reminds me of Spring break! Oh well, its not the worst thing in the world to be doing!
I really like your blog and will visit again!
Hugs! Sharon
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