The Weather Appears to be Changing
Praise the Lord, it's about time! For past few weeks, when the air is supposed to be crisp and cool, when soups instead of salads are being served for dinner, when sweaters and jeans replace tank tops and shorts, we instead have been suffering through record breaking highs in this area.
I know that this is happening all over the country; global warming is not backing down. But this is particularly disturbing for me in Western PA. See I don't live near an ocean where I can bear the heat while frolicking in the water or laying on a sandy beach getting a kicking tan. I have driven to Lake Erie and Geneva on the Lake. But, that's not a hop, skip and a jump away destination. So my feeling is, since we can't benefit from the water in the summer, then we should reap the benefits in the fall. Not lately.
This picture was taken last year around this time. Isn't it gorgeous? The Hills of Pennsylvania. Not quite the Hills of Connemara but you get the idea. The leaves haven't even really changed around here yet. Which is causing me great fear that we might bypass Autumn all together and slip right into the hands of Old Man Winter. YUCK! I don't like that man. He's never around at Christmas. And the older he gets, the more stubborn he is. When I was little he used to pay us a visit on the days leading up to Christmas all of the time. He NEVER does that anymore. He's just plain sadistic if you ask me. Oh he likes to mess with me, that's for sure. I beg him to come at Christmas but he thinks it is more fun to show up on my birthday (March 10.) Who needs him then??
Anyway, I digress. The high on Friday is expected to be 56. Now just as the Old Man gets on my nerves, Mother Nature (his witch of a wife) likes to mess with people too. I mean that's a 30 degree difference from Monday. But, at least she's willing adapt to the situation. I think that like any mother, she got a little too busy and had to shift priorities around. But, she appears to be heading back on track for this area. It's about time!
I know!! Our "fall" (which isn't much of a fall) is coming this weekend. Or so the weather man teases.
I am glad you found my blog and made such nice comments. The leaves in Ohio are not changing yet either. When we went to Amish Country sunday there was almost no color. I hope we do get some at least. I am a pisces also. I am going to feature all of my dollhouses in stages, Heidi's idea.
This is the second one I put on.
Here in Holland, we are having typical autumn weather. Some days like today are cool and very sunny and most days are grey, chilled and rainy. I don't mind those days as you can create a great atmosphere in the house. Life is what you make it and I feel you can really light up a grey day. I know most areas in the US are having hot weather. I hope you get some cool weather and a burst of pretty colors very soon Julie!
Happy Wednesday!
~~ Heidi ~~
Here on the other side of PA it is the same. We'd already removed all our air conditioners thinking summer was over. Yesterday was the absolute worst. And while this weekend is supposed to be crisp, it is also going to be raining. Grrrr!
Hi Julie, We don't have much color here, either, and thank God it's raining today because the leaves looked like they were just going to shrivel up and die without ever changing color!
The "Hills of Pennsylvania" look beautiful!
Love Moody Blues!
Our average temperatures are lower in the last few years than normal... We are a bit warmer this time of year than usual, but the summers aren't as hot... I like hot weather myself, but I wish we had more Autumn!
I hear you, girl. We've had 90's this week, but it's supposed to start changing today and go down progressively throughout the week. Been a tough week; your chandelier picks up my spirit. Hope you have a great day.
My birthday is the day before yours...we'll have to meet somewhere and party!!!
'his witch of a wife' THAT made me laugh...we are in the 90's honey and even in Georgia we usually have relief by now..couple that with NO rain, I am thinking they are all on vacation!!:)
I'm afraid the leaves here are just going to plain drop dead...give up...caput! No fall, maybe, just maybe it will snow...THAT would be cool..I miss that snow!! :)
Copied that recipe for sauce, and I am going to make it for my Italian husband and see if it tastes like grandma's!!:)
thanks for visiting today!
Such fun to hear from you!
Hi Julie, it's 55 as I type...the time on my computer is 11:07am. I am beside myself with glee!
We're headed for our lake place, Friday. I am going to make a big ol' pot of some kind of soup! I love it!
it was cool here this morning. Grr... I'd rather have the heat! But, alas, so it goes for a Southerner. LOL
Hope you have a good autumn!
You are so right! Finally, weather and a crisp Fall afternoon...we are kicking up our heels with joy!
smiles, kari and kijsa
I was just saying the same thing!! Blessings... Polly
Glad the weather is starting to get better for you. Here too!
Makes me want to make a big pot of hearty soup, light a fire (in the fireplace, of course) and cuddle up with a good novel.
My daughter's best friend from elementary school decided to get married within the last month and threw it together in 4 short weeks. Kinda makes my head spin.
Looking forward to catching up with my blog reading, soon.
i'm just going to have to keep your blog up and listen to your music all day.
It was 38 this am; yesterday was a perfect Indian summer day but a little cool to use that term....58. Today...40 and overcast and I am surrounded by full fall leaves in orange, red, yellow and shades of green.
We are having a wonderful fall right now in Northern New York. The leaves are changing but falling just as quickly as they are changing. Our temps are in the low seventies/high sixties. It seems that we almost always have a breeze here as well. I really enjoy that! I hope to post a picture of the tree tops this week! Hopefully the weather levels out for you!
I wouldn't know what to do with a high of 56 degrees. I'd probably be in jail because I'd get locked up for running naked through the streets at high noon, laughing hysterically. However, having said that...we're experiencing a cool down here, too. This week's highs will be in the mid 80's. woo-hoo. I'm so excited. Guess I shouldn't complain - it's better than the mid 90's we had LAST week. But I SO. WANT. FALL. WEATHER!!!
oh my...56 is way cold...stay warm...blessings, rebecca
It is all too brief.. Autumn. Nothing like a sunny day with crisp air!! In sunny Calif it is even enjoyable. It's the perfect time to garden for me. I could spend all day in my garden. No food in the house, no clean underwear....but my garden looks great!:)
Our fall is slow coming too here in NC. Where in Pa are you? My husband was born in Corry, PA...not to far from Erie. We travel thru PA alot going to upstate NY.
We are touch and go here. Last week we had cooler temps then we went straight back into summer by the weekend...high 80's low 90's. Today there is a cool breeze and temperatures are falling. By Friday our high is supposed to be 70 degrees and lows in the upper 40's....go figure.
Thanks for stopping by and dancing the Tarantella:)
We are so blessed!
I am with you on the weather change, it is about time. Thank You so much for my comment on my blog, that made my day. I ended up having an excellent visit today.
I am half way done with my week, the most stressful off the list. Have a great week. Thanks again.
I just talked to my dad in Cincinnati and they already got the 60 degree temps that we are supposed to get tomorrow in eastern PA! I can't wait! We don't even have Lake Erie near and I have had it with sweating already!!!!
p.s. We may not have a colorful fall as it has been so dry this summer. Our leaves go from green to brown and fall off a second later!!!
Though I'm in Southern CA I want it to cool down too!
I'm am so ready for Fall!
Hi Julie,
I agree, if you can't frolick in the water you shouldn't have to suffer in that heat!
Hi Julie,
Well, after I complained the other day about the heat here in Cincy, it did a complete 180 and is chilly. Now, I'm wondering if I want the heat back--:-)
They're predicting some cooler days for us too. Can't wait. Just hope everyone doesn't get sick from a drastic change.
I guess it's inevitable! Don't like it much myself...I'm a summer gal.
Hey, Yours and Shaby's birthdays are two days after my youngest!!! cool.
Thanks for coming for a visit.It was 80 here today which is much better than 90 a few days ago. it is supposed to cool off at night. Love the mountains.Such an awsome veiw.
Hi Julie...........
just peeking in....trying to make some rounds......
Love and Blessings,
Hi Julie, I think Mother Nature has a big tummy ache. The weather is crazy, but we are having nice fall days...sending some your way.
Mmmmmmm, thank you for the wonderful recipes, I'm going to make the meatballs next week...yum:).
P.S. thank you for adding me to your blog reads, you're included on mine too. Linda
Hey Julie, I'm so glad that the weather has turned a little cooler here in southwestern PA...I hate the hot muggy weather, especially when it should be cooler. I'm definitely ready for snuggling under a blanket with a nice cup of tea and reading my magazines!
I know how you feel. It was 87 here on Saturday.
Today is cooler, which is nice.
Old Man Winter likes to drop ice on us, instead of snow. Bah!
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