What started out different ended up the same. The boys had gone to their biological mom's in Ohio for the weekend. So they weren't here. Kenny was working and my niece had spent the night at her girlfriend's so they weren't here. And my oldest nephew was out with his friends. So after church today, instead of a full house, there were only a handful of people here: me, my parents, my brother and SIL and 2 of my nephews. My dad bought cupcakes and we enjoyed some coffee and conversation. Then Kenny came home. And then the boys and their mother. A few minutes later, my nephew and 2 of his friends showed up. Then Gina came home. Within a matter of minutes there were 15 people here.
Kerry (the boys' mother) started laughing and said there are always a hundred people in this house. Yep, pretty much. And it really kinda makes me smile. Sometimes it can be overwhelming but most often it makes me smile. My home is frequently filled with people. At any given time of the day you'll find someone extra here. My aunts stop over. Friends drop by. Cousins and friends of friends. I've even had friends of my nephews come by asking if they were here. And normally, if they're not at their own home, they're are here. My house is party central. Where you can find good conversation, loved ones and friends and something to put in your belly.
There's a sign hanging above my front door that reads: May all who enter here know peace and love. I hope that's the reason people drop by. Because they know that they're always welcome. So while not everyone stayed the entire day, they knew they were welcome to. The guys played football in the back yard. Gina and I putzied around on the computer. We ordered pizza and drank a few beers. Well, I had Pepsi One. But you get the picture. Gina even got her shower here last night. The game came on finally (I hate Sunday night games) and we all sat down to watch, munching now on chocolate I keep in a glass pumpkin. No one stayed until the end. But no one was asked to leave. It's comfortable here. People flop on the couch. Sit on the floor and roll around on the computer chair. I think I have a nice home but it's not a museum, that's for sure. Kenny says our house is lived in. That used to bother me. I used to think that a nice house meant perfect order, pristine surroundings. But now I think that a lived in house is a good thing.
Did you have a house that you went to more than others? Not to say that you weren't welcome somewhere else. But did you ever just feel more comfortable at a particular place? You know my girlfriend Holly's house was always that way. A million people at that house morning, noon or night. And I used to want the same thing. A home where anyone can drop by and know that they're not intruding. Somewhere fun. A gathering place of sorts. Austin bought me a cookbook one year for Mother's day. It's Rachael Ray's 30-minute Get-togethers. As I opened it he said it's perfect, Mom. There's always people here.
So, drop by. Kick your feet up. Have something to eat. Stay a while. You're always welcome at our house!

Sounds like a great place!
My mother and sister live within 6 miles of me, and I only see them every few months... They are too wrapped up in their own lives to care about anyone else...
Remember how lucky you are to have people who care!
:) Have a great week, Julie! (:
It sounds wonderful! I live far away from my family but I love it when we are close! With my DH in the military, we move often and are used to being away! We love it when family is able to visit or we are able to visit them though! Cherish the crowd!
I truly wish I lived closer cause I would so love to meet you and your wonderfully close family.
That's really sweet about your home. I tried to listen to Three Wooden Crosses, but I couldn't get the other music to stop playing. :( I'll go to You Tube. Hope you have a great day.
Just hit the pause button on the playlist if you want to hear Three Wooden Crosses.
I just found your blog through the Silver Bell Cottage. Your house sounds like a great place. I love large families and you all sound a lot like us. No matter what the occasion, there are at least 25-30 people gathered at our house for it. I love it when people just stop by to visit! Have a beautiful day!!
Julie, your house sounds so wonderful! My grandfather's house was like that when I was little. Sunday dinner, cooked by my mother and aunt, with me and all my cousins running around, and my old, Italian grandfather in his place at the head of the table...
Thanks for the wonderful memory!
Julie, I love this post. You are like my mom in this regard. People flock to her house! She makes people feel so comfortable and that sounds like what you do too!
My parents home was this way when we were younger...then daddy died and everything changed!
My house was the hangout when I was a teenager. My mom loved it, because she always knew where I was!
I want to get back to that type of atmosphere. I want our house to be the hangout for my kids and their friends.
I'm glad you can appreciate what a gift you have.
Your home sounds like my grandmother's. But that was a long time ago. I don't know anyone today who welcomes drop-in guests. The only place I go without calling first is my mother's house and even then I do usually call to see if she's home.
You're right that it isn't the physical house that makes people feel welcome but the personal warmth everyone feels. Just reading your blog, I understand why your home is the place to be!
i love houses that are full of love and people...mine is always too quiet...sounds like heaven to me...blessings, rebecca
Loved this post, Julie. Our house at the farm was the gathering place for the girls' friends, when they were young. Many sleepovers and bonfires. I like to think they were comfortable there.
I suppose the friend's home, I remember most, from when I was young, is my childhood friend, JoAnn's home, when we were young. Catalpa cottage, I wrote about earlier, this year. I love that little house, still to this day. Many happy memories.
We have the big ol' nine foot farmhouse table in the breakfast room...we use it for family gatherings...meals and games! I love to have lots of people over!
YOU are so blessed to BE that house! We don't have family around us..really close..but friends do drop by...I want THIS to be that house...
Our house was that house growing up..and I SOOO want to be that house for my kiddos!
HOME is supposed to be that sanctuary, where we welcome everyone and they feel peace...you have that girl, everyone WANTS to come there!!
that's just awesome...
the three crosses is soooooo good, I loved it the first time I heard it and loved it even more the second time!
Your house sounds like a happy place! You are the heart of it and you make it a happy place for your family:-) Aren't families wonderful??!!
Your home sounds as wonderful as you are! We went ahead and e-mailed you directions to save you a step! Hope you have a wonderful day!
blessings, kari and kijsa
A friend once said that our dinky li'l apartment was more comfortable to go to than most friends' houses she'd been. It was a very nice compliment. My wife and I bake and tinker and little other things that make our home a place that is comfy! I love that about it.
Sounds like your place is wonderfully peaceful!
Well, wouldn't I just love to stop on by for a few minutes today! It'd be great to have a place to go where I could unwind with friends or even have an ear handy to listen to me fussing about something.
Your home sounds grand. It's days like these when I really start to miss living near friends (and even some family. lol). I'm pretty sure I wasn't depressed BEFORE my doctor's appointment, but I'm not feeling so perky NOW. Between my cousin's accident and all that entails, the stupid doctor and his "depressed" diagnosis and a crummy e-mail I got the other day that's REALLY been weighing on my mind - I'm feeling in definite need of a happier set of circumstances! lol Speaking of my cousin, thank you so much for your continued support of him and his family. You are very, very kind to keep doing that. (And no, he's not Italian - but yes, his eyes sure do look like he could be!).
Your house sounds like a neat place, Julie. It's nice to know that they come to you for comfort, warmth and a place to be!
Hi Julie,
Your house sounds so warm and inviting! Why am I not suprised because that is so very you ;) If I lived closer I think I'd have to hang out over there too :)
Sounds Fun! I Live Fairly close, like within 5 minutes from my parents. It's nice especially getting together for Holidays, BBQ's etc.
How wonderful Julie, your home sounds so inviting:) I agree with Kenny, a lived in house is the best kind to have! As my little one gets older that is the kind of welcoming place I want to provide. A home where his friends feel they can just come and hang out.
BTW Thanks for stopping by to wish me well. The eyedrops are already starting to help, they must have some type of numbing agent in them:)
You are so funny!!Just think though....we have Babe Ruth in common....our loss was your gain!
What a sweet post! It made me think of spending Sundays at my grandma and grandpa's house and everyone would stop by. It sounds like you have a great day. "Lived in" is good, I feel that way about my home too - cozy and lived in. Drop by anytime!
Michelle :)
I bet folks do feel at home at your house, Julie! You sound like just that kinda girl...one to make everyone feel welcome. And that's a very good thing. You must have the gift of hospitality.
I knew I'd get a rise out of the Yankee comment, LOL. I'm so glad to hear you can make some mean biscuits & gravy, girl!
What a wonderful compliment that people want to stop by and feel comfortable doing so. You make them feel welcome, otherwise they wouldn't come. Your home is where the magic is...the magic of love and friendship.
Julie, I'll be over tomorrow. :) My house is too far out in the country for just "drop ins" but during the holidays everyone gathers here and I just love it. Always a big crowd for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Have a great day! ~ Lynn
Sounds like the best kind of times! Now can I come over for a visit because I'm betting with such a big Italian family you guys can really cook and have fun!
And that's how I always feel when I come here. Welcome and at home. It's good to be in the company of another believer! I love that your boys biological mom comes to your house. I so admire that in you! You're one amazing, amazing woman. Love you... Blessings, Polly
Oh Wow...sure wish I could pop over! Your home sounds like the place I'd love to be.
my Gram always had pork chops frying in a big black skillet and a day dress on and donning an apron...cookies, pop, rolls, and her african violets on every sill made each visit a charm
Your home sounds wonderful and welcoming!
When I was growing up I had 4 sisters....so we had a full house with just us. But the one house I loved visiting was my friend Elaine's. She had 7 brothers and sisters! That house was so much fun!
OUR house was that kind of place when my children were growing up. All the kids hung out and we ate what ever I had cooked that day. So much fun. LOL Mary
Oh yes, your home seems to be filled with love! That is silver and gold no one can take away! A real blessing from God to be soo well loved and people to enjoy coming by.... I probably would if I lived near by.
Sounds awsome! Would love to be there just one day for sure.
Hi Julie, your home sounds warm and inviting and what a wonderful family you have. I know I could just drop by to say "hi", and I would feel most well. You have a special gift. Linda
I spent more time at my friend Bea's house than at home. Her parents laughed; something my folks never did. I tried to make my home open for my kids and their friends.....don't think it worked out the way I planned.
That is something really unique you can say about yourself. Not everyone has a home like this.
I think it's wonderful that you have so many family and friends in one place.
Ours is sprawled out across the country, and sadly, I have cousins that I've seen only a couple of times. I have an aunt that I've never met.
Would you ever move away? I wouldn't.
I live far away from my parents... but my sisters live in town and we rarely see each other. And you make us feel so comfortable here... thanks!
Julie, your home sounds so warm and inviting...it matches your personality perfectly, and its no wonder everyone feels welcome there. :-) I wish I had grown up with lots of family...it always sounds like such fun.
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