Bienvenuto Amici,
Yesterday's poker run was a success! The rain held out until the last 5 minutes of our ride home. But the sun shone during the entire run and MAN, was it hot. A total of 46 bikes came out for the event. There were people who knew Donnie and people who didn't, just riding for a good cause. The generosity of bikers truly amazes me sometimes. One couple went on the run whose son was hurt in accident himself. There's a run for him on Sept. 15. Watching them ride to raise money for someone they don't know because their son is counting on the generosity of fellow bikers truly makes you think. We'll be going on that run!
We put over 95 miles on the bike yesterday. It's always fun to watch the reaction of passersby as almost 50 bikes travel down the road. If you have never been on a poker run - people take turns as "blockers." They'll block the intersections of stop lights and stop signs so that the group can stay together. Only once did someone attempt to pull out in the middle of the bikes. She was quickly told to stay where she was. Now one time a few bikes pulled out of the parking lot of one stop before a block could be put into place. A guy driving a minivan was then in the middle. Graciously he pulled over and let the group stay together. One biker who stayed in front mainly, sports a huge American flag flying in the wind. It was definitely a sight.
There is a certain stigma attached to bikers. But I watched grown men with long hair and tattoos ride to help raise money for a boy they don't know. I watched these same men give their winnings of the 50/50 raffle back so that it all could go to Donnie. And I watched them pray for his recovery. So don't judge a book by it's cover. You have to open it up and really read it before you know how great it can be.
My hubby would love this one! Finally a post he'd be interested in. He has a Softail (I think I spelled that right, I'm a Harley girl by default)
I was just reading through your archive, and I had to comment... Bikers have always been some of my dearest friends.. Most of them will give you the shirt off their backs... I met my real dad when I was 23, and he is a biker, too... in the style of James Dean...lol
Great post... Loved this one...
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