I'm sure you all know Linda. But let me fill you in on a few things about this special lady. She is the one who helped me vision how I wanted my house to look this Christmas. She is the one who gives us such dreamy ideas and inspirations from Matthew Meade. She's the sweetie who so refinely spells words like favorite as favourite. She's the wife, mother and business owner we can all look to for guidance. And I just adore her. To think that I make her day is quite a boost to my ego, I don't mind saying. So my Spotlight goes to Linda as I humbly thank her for honoring me with this award.
If by some freak of nature you haven't met Linda and basked in the beauty of the Restyled Home, stop over and tell her I sent ya!!
Hi Julie,
Congrats on your award! Hope you are staying warm and having a wonderufl weekend!
Congrats on your award. Well deserved.
Congratulations on the award Julie:)
Thanks for the spot light on Linda. I love her site, it is just full of inspiration!
Hope you are enjoying your weekend!
Congratulations on your award. You are a fun blogging friend, indeed.
Congrats on the award! Couldn't happen to a better person! :)
I can honestly say I don't think I've been to Restyled Home, so I'm on my way!
Hi Julie...congrats on your award...have a great weekend!
Congrats on your award, and I just love Linda at Restyled Home!
Congrats on your award Julie!!
Good Evening Julie,
"CONGRATULATION'S" on a very well deserved Award. I hope you are staying warm up there. I didn't post today because we had a busy Saturday. Next Saturday looks to be busy as well. It was suppose to have gotten up to around 47 degrees here today, but it only made it to 33 degrees. Hmmmm, wonder what happened? LOL. Take care my friend and have a great evening. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Congrats on your award. I just realized today that you are back! I was down for a week without my computer and was going crazy. I can't imagine how you handled it! LOL!
Hi Julie,
Congrats on your award! I haven't met Linda so I'm going to stop over and say hi. Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday :)
Thank you for introducing me to Linda. Her blog is beautiful. I'll be stopping there regularly. And congratulations on the award--you deserve it!
Congratulations on your award sweetie, you certainly deserve it!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Have you gotten any of my email?
Congrats on a well deserved award. You make the day for lots of us sweet friend!
Congraulations on the win...Smiles
Well, I'll be...I have never felt so honoured in all my life! You are so generous of spirit, Julie, that I can't imagine anyone not just adoring you...
Thank you with all of my heart. You truly are one of my "favourites"!!!
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