Now, as for my eye. It is about a 1000% percent better than it was yesterday. It's still a little puffy. But it's open! And I don't feel myself blinking this morning. I used warm tea bags last night. Kenny taped it over my eye and my sons walked around the house saying "ARRRRR." They also got a kick out of saying "Hey it's Tea." Now let me explain why that is funny. All of my nieces and nephews call me 'T' for reasons we don't know. And I have always had dark circles under my eyes. Kenny said I had tea stains. General jocularity at my expense last night. But whatever, my eye feels better. So my tip to anyone who feels a stye coming on - use tea bags. Works like a charm!
Now that I'm done ranting like a total lunatic...let's focus on something a little sweeter. This morning in a Proverbs 31 email I found this verse. How perfect is it? It's what I try to relay in my posts, just not so eloquently. Have any of you found a hidden blessing? Polly found quite a few that could simply be lost on someone else: the rain, not the mud...the sun, not the glare... the children, not their arguments. Even this stinking winter weather can be construed as a blessing, I guess. The earth needs it's deep sleep in order to awaken in spring with all it's glory. So look for your blessings, share them with us and experience the glorious love of our Lord.
"...And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together will all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled up to the measure of all the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:17-19 (NIV)
Good Morning Julie,
Well, if it's any consulation to you, it is bitterly cold here in the South as well. It is 19 degrees with a windchill of 6 degrees. I know, not as cold as up there, but too cold for the South. My DH got home about 50 minutes ago and when I opened up the door, it was just frigid out there. And yesterday wasn't no picnic either. It only got up to 30 degrees here. And when the girls came in from School yesterday, they told me they made them go outside at their first recess. I was like Oh my God, are those people crazy. It's below freezing and they are sending the kids outside in it. I know one thing, if one of our girls gets sick, someone else besides me is going to pay their doctor bills. That just ain't right. I am glad your eye is better this morning. I know when I have something unusual on my, my kids laugh at me. I don't care tho, it's whatever works for me. LOL. We all have blessings if we just stop to look for them. Even tho it's winter and bitterly cold outside, it is a blessing to have a warm home that we can stay in. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
I was so happy to see a comment from you in my blog yesterday letting me know you've returned. I've missed you so much and thought about you often during your time away from Blogland.
It's cold here on the other side of the State too. I'm trying to do as you reminded us and think of it as a blessing. I can wear my new scarf, hat and gloves that I got for Christmas and haven't worn yet.
I hate winter starting in January. I like it cold for Thanksgiving through New Year... then blecko!
And it is sleeting today. Very rare in these parts.
*dreaming of my cruise in may*
Oh, Julie, I'm with you -- I HATE cold weather! I will keep my mind firmly on that promise of spring...
Hey, Julie!!! Girl, I am so glad you are back here in bloggityville! I missed you and your sassyness:) Is that a word?
As much as I love the snow, winter in general is the pits! Everytime we get some mild temps, I get a bad case of Spring Fever. Then a couple of days later, we are back in the deep freeze. I promise, this year, I won't complain the first time when it is 100 degrees and 90% humidity and I can't breath....of course I say that every year;)
Glad to hear your eye is feeling better "T"! LOL!
Stay warm!
Next time use decaf tea bags. You won't wake up feeling jacked in the morning.
Hi Julie! I have been absolutely freezing lately..its been cold but I also think I'm just getting old! I can't tolerate it anymore!
I'm glad your eye is a bit better today! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Give me cold any day....
Julie thank you for the well wishes this morning... I so appreciate you .... for being you....
Thank you
Dear Julie - I love your passion and I am so happy to see you are back in "blogland!" Woo Hoo! I do miss your heartfelt comments, and I also cannot WAIT for this cold winter to be over. I have never been so cold ... in fact, I'm jumping into our hot tub now!
Happy Weekend!
Hi Jules,
I am with you. I hate winter with a passion and we don't get anywhere near as cold here! I think I'd flip out if the bus came late when it was that cold out! So glad to hear your eye is better. I've got naturally dark circles under my eyes too...wonder if tea bags would help that? Oh well, it is what it is! I'm going to look for my blessings today. Thanks for the reminder.
Witty children you have in that house. I am proud.
I'm going to go shiver me timbers now.
It is cold here, the wind chill is -5. Brrr. My students stayed in today!
I am getting over strep and am rather tired right now... might go take a nap!
Hey Julie, It's so good to have you back blogging again! Thanks for stopping by to visit and for your sweet comments.
I'm with you about winter...I've had enough...of course, living at a place called Snowball Hill the snow and cold tends to stick around here longer than any place else!
Hope you're eye gets to feeling 100% better...take care.
Love, Kim
Yup, I am not liking winter right now either...happens every single year. I understand about the deep sleep needed in winter...a time of renewal...but God should re-think these really low temps.
Hi Julie,
Sorry you had such a bad morning, but I'm glad to hear your eye is better. I hate winter too, that's one of the reasons we moved south! Take care and stay warm.
Welcome back Julie. I hope you have those glitches sorted now.
It's hot, hot, hot here!
I missed you!
I'm so glad to hear that your eye is better...I sent you and email but never heard back.
It was 1º here for the longest time this morning but now we are up to 20º. I get very sick of winter myself and can't wait till spring.
Have a warm and happy evening!
I haven't had a sty on my eye in YEARS! I heard about this "cure" all that time ago and it works, I swear to it. Whenever you feel a sty coming on, take your wedding band and rub it around the border of your eye where you feel the sty. (I'm sure it doesn't have to be a wedding ring, per se). It's something in the metal of the ring that helps get rid of the sty, but like I said, I haven't had one in years, even though they've tried to develop. I know it sounds crazy, but it's NOT an old wives tale, there really is a scientic and chemical reason why it works. Try it next time you think you're getting a sty. You won't have to waste time with tea bags or compresses because it'll go away before you can remember it was started.
enjoyed both this post and the new one - I'm with you 100% on the cold, lacking sun, wanting to sit on the porch and hate wearing shoes... I'm in western NY and it's sucky here too.
about the dark circles - try taking some vitamin E. After a couple of weeks your dark circles will start to disappear. Works wonders for me (when I remember to vitamin-up!).
this is my first time visiting...I think I'll stay for a bit :)
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