Goodness, it's been a long time. I was able to change the background picture. I wanted something spring-y. The winter scene just wasn't cutting it anymore. I am done with winter. I'm so impatient for the upcoming season. I am ready for tulips and daisies. But, unfortunately, I can't remember the user name and password for my playlist right now. I requested an email giving them to me, but it hasn't arrived yet. So - please pardon the Christmas music playing in the back ground. WAIT - Tell you what....I'll move it to a spot lower in the page and it shouldn't play unless you pass by it.
I had 282 emails in my inbox this morning. Sorry guys - but I just deleted pages at a time. If you have sent me an email, I probably got it...but I deleted it. That was a little overwhelming. 18 pages of emails to go through? No way.
I received my bracelet and earrings (an extra bonus) from Shelbi yesterday. I won her giveaway and I couldn't be more excited. The bracelet is a little big but it still stays on. Hee hee! And the earrings are gorgeous. What a nice treat!! Even Austin commented on the earrings this morning. They were still sitting in the box on the dining room table. So, you know something is truly beautiful when your 14 year old son comments on them. I wore the bracelet last night. HA, I had on sweatpants and a Dierks Bentley T-shirt and this GORGEOUS and very delicate crystal bracelet. But I tell ya, the combination was working for me. Hee hee. Thank you again Shelbi for the beautiful creations. I absolutely LOVE them!!
Austin's infection has cleared up nicely. Thank you to everyone who said a prayer for him. He's such a handsome kid. And that huge 'thing' on the side of his nose looked just like a witch's wort. The kids who had picked on him when they just thought he had a huge pimple were very apologetic when he returned to school and found out what he actually had. I think it humbled them a little bit which is always a good thing. Ain't God slick? An old friend of mine used to say that all of the time. And it always seems appropriate.
Well, cats and kittens...that's about all for today. I wasn't expecting to be able to log on so I really had no post in mind. Just rambling today, I guess. I will have to work on a schedule for blogging again. HA HA HA! I've been away for so routine had changed. And now I'll have to implement blogging again. But have no fear - I'm back!! Whoopee!! Love you!!
WOO HOOOOOOOO!! Yay! You're back. Yesterday I went through my paperwork to get our income taxes ready and I found your address. I was going to mail you a letter this morning telling you how much we all missed you. So glad Kenny got the computer working. What a great guy! Give him hugs from us. Blessings... Polly
Yee haw! You're back! SO glad to see you!!
Can't wait to start stopping by again every day!
Missed you!!
Good Morning Julie,
"WELCOME BACK" dear friend. I have really missed you and having our coffee together in the mornings. I don't blame you for deleting all of those emails. I went to my email box before Christmas and cleaned out alot of mine as well. I'm so glad that Austin's MRSA got cleared up and that was so nice of the one's who made fun of him to apologize to him as well. I am so glad your hubby got your computer fixed. I know you are glad. Maybe you will get back to the swing of things before too long. I love your new header. It is beautiful. It is cold here this morning, but we still haven't gotten any Snow this winter. I guess I'm just going to have to come and visit you huh? LOL. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Hello there Julie! How fun to just check my blog and see a comment from you! I am happy that your computer is back in working order and you are back among us bloggers.
Happy Wednesday!
Hugs ~
YEAH!! SO GLAD you're back!
I think we all need to re-introduce ourselves after this long break:
Hi, I'm Doghouse and I'm a Julie-aholic.
So glad you've made it back! Hope the ol' computer stays up and running!
Howdy, Julie! Welcome back! Happy belated New Year!'re back!!!! We are so excited...we kept checking and checking....So glad to have you are the very best!
smiles, kari & kijsa
:::::::::dancing a jig::::::::: Whohoooooo our Julie is back!!!! Ahhh, balance has been restored and this is surely a sign that it's going to be a good day :) Welcome back sweetie, we have sure missed you!!!
Huge hugs,
Yeay Julie!!! I am so very happy as I have missed you so much!!
Welcome back, dear! So glad to have you back!
Welcome back sunshine,
I missed you!
I am glad to heart things are looking up for you and your family!
Big Hugz, Dolly
Welcome Back Julie!
About damn time and I'll just leave it at that.
Except to say WELCOME BACK!
You my dear have been sorely missed.... It is so fantastic to have you back!!
Good to have you back.
Kenny must have some mad skills to be able to bring back a computer that was down for so long. Thank God he did.
Welcome home!!
I'm glad to have you back! I've missed you so much!
Take your time, I bet you were overwhelmed, but isn't it nice to be so well loved?
Have a great day!
YaaaaaaaaaaaaaY! (insert whistle blowing and party poppers popping) you're finally back!! I saw your comment this morning on my blog, wasn't quite awake yet, sipping first cuppa, and had to do a double take as I couldn't believe it was really you! Then almost sloshed coffee all over the keyboard trying to rush over here to say hi sweetpea! So g'day Julie! Missed you! Hope you have a wonderful day...
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Julie! You're back! YAY!! Come visit me when you have a chance to catch up. I have missed your posts and your visits...
So glad you are back, you have been missed. Missed your posts and can't wait to have you catch up! Welcome back girlfriend!
Yay!!!!!! Julie,
So glad you are back.
I am also ready for Spring. It is pouring rain here is Sunny Calif.
It seems like I haven't talked to you in forever.
Enjoy being back,
Julie! My favorite beautiful Italian Bride!! Sooo nice to have you back! You were missed, girly! We love you too! Love, Esther
So glad you are back!! Happy Days for all:-)
Welcome back! Tell Kenny he's everyones hero, haha.
Glad to see you back! I would have deleted all those emails too - I'm sure everyone understands!
yay! soo good to hear from you again!! glad things are working out...
WELCOME BACK! I missed you.
Welcome Back....can't waiting to start catching up with the life and times of Julie :-0
I am so happy to see you are back! And, so are 32 of your closest friends! Kenny should be crowned king of the computer. (this sorta makes up for the lunch snafu earlier this year....)
oh julie! i am so relieved you got the package safely. now, the bracelet is too big? i can fix that for you. if you return it to me i can make it fit you perfectly...just email me with the measurements :)
have a beautiful day!
Girl I have felt like I had a death in the family. I stopped by everyday for so long.I just couldn't understand and then heard from your mom. So happy your back!
Nice to meet you,,,,,, I found you via Counting your blessings... I will come back and visit often.. I hate computer problems,,,,, My hubby is a comuter whiz and I am so thankful ..........I know enough to turn it on and click the mouse........ahahahah come by my Samaritan women blog and then check out the TEE shirt contest..... it will be fun
Welcome back Julie! You have been missed..
Welcome back julie!..I've been checkin' in every day,just to see if you were back in Bloggertown.
In fact,I took 2 weeks off work just so I could catch you posting..Not really,..but it sounds like something I would do. ;)
you're back... you're back! You've been missed!
Yay! Welcome back!
Welcome back dear heart! You were sorely missed!
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