I was so overwhelmed by the number of people who welcomed me back yesterday. That means more to me than you will ever know. I wasn't able to visit everyone yesterday as I had hoped. But I will be making my rounds again. Doesn't it amaze you the friends you find through blogging? Kenny was pretty proud of himself when I told him that you all sent your thanks. And I thanked him properly myself this morning, ahem.
I spoke with a friend yesterday who has been going through a rough patch these last few months and during our conversation I began to appreciate the blessings in my life. But more to the point, I began to look to notice the hidden blessings we take for granted. For example: Austin has been sick lately with a simple cold. His nose is running like a faucet and he has a cough. I hesitated sending him to school yesterday but he got his shower and got ready for school anyway. Evidently they have a new bus driver because he never stopped to pick them up. Drove right past them. All those kids had to walk up the hill in the bitter cold yesterday if there was no one home to drive them. I took that as a sign to keep him home. I notified the school the bus driver isn't stopping for these kids, explained Austin wouldn't be in school and we had a delightful day at home together. He took a nice nap and his coughing has decreased. Small blessing from God wrapped up in an incompetent bus driver.
The whole point in relaying that story was to serve as a reminder that there is a bigger plan for our lives. Our plans may go awry. Even the carefully executed ones. But it is at those times, more than ever, we should step back and ask for God's guidance. We've wandered off His path and will need a Light to find our way back. We have to trust that "this" is happening for a reason and realize that He knows better.
So this is my challenge for the new year. I am challenging myself and you as well to look for the hidden blessings in our lives. Who will join me in this effort? I have a "Blessings Button" on my side bar. Please feel free to use it on your blog and share your stories with us. Each one of us is a Success Story, if we only looked for our hidden blessings!
Good Morning Julie,
Well let me be the first to say that it is a "BLESSING" to have you back. I will join you in seeing our Blessings this coming year. This was such a wonderful post and I enjoyed reading it. "THANK YOU" for sharing this with us. I hate that the bus driver just went past those kids. That wasn't right. I do hope whoever you talked to at the School does something about it. I just got off the phone with my DH and he is up in Minnesota and he said it as Minus 12 degrees. He said it was cold. I think 26 degrees is cold right here, but it's nothing compared to where DH is at or where you are at. Take care my friend and have a great day. May God Bless You and Yours. I'm glad you and Austin had some quality time together yesterday and that he is feeling better. I don't think I want to see the other guy either. LOL.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Hey, girl, how the heck are ya?! So glad to see you back!!! You give that husband of yours a great big kiss, and tell him I said he's FABULOUS!
Counting our blessings here at Little Red House...
As always you are a dear and I agree with Karen ... it is a blessing to have you back... you are an influence on many of us ... thank you
what great words!!!
it's not QUITE FEB. in the Burgh' and the Steelers are done till NEXT YEAR...so girl you got all the time in the world to CATCH UP!!
you do know the LORD was only testing you? right!!:)
I missed you so...I know what you mean about our Blessings...I too, have really only begun to realize how truly Blessed I am........
Good for Kenny! ;)
So, what did the school say about the bus driver? Did he stop today?
You are so right Julie! It's all about perspective...and you're right that he's pretty slick too :)
Good morning Julie!! I am just now realizing you are back! It's good to see you, missed you! Sorry to hear about your eyes!
You are so very right about hidden blessings. I've found many, in my nearly 65 years!
Welcome back!
Hi Julie,
Sorry to hear about your sty. What a wonderful story about blessings.
Welcome back girlfriend! whoa whoa! Been checking on ya to see if you were back and now you are! Tell Kenny thanks! Glad to hear that things are going great! BTW, Doogs is fine, thank you for asking. He is still on his special diet to determine what it is he is allergic to. Poor guy.
Anywho, hugs and happy new year!
I heard or read somewhere that each day we should get out of bed and say thank you.....for another day, for having our family, for whatever...just life. I'm trying.
Welcome back, Julie! So glad you are back online. I've been checking in here periodically to see if your puter problems were fixed yet. So glad to see you back online where you belong.
You're such an encourager!
For the rain and not the mud... For the sun and not the glare... For the children and not their arguments...
For you my friend! So glad you're back. Blessings.. POlly
I agree totally! That is something that I've always known, but learned all over again after the tornado... So many people here can't seem to get over what they've lost... and I try to remember every day what we are so fortunate to have saved...
I know I said it yesterday, but I am so glad to have you back! :)
Hi Julie,
Wonderful post today!!
So glad you are back. That is a blessing right there.
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