A Loss for Words
I struggled with creating a post this morning. I guess being away for so long had a greater affect on me than I first realized. I couldn't think of anything yesterday and it was hard for me today. I thought, I could post about this nasty weather blowing through town today. Wind gusts of 50-60 mph. But then everyone has weather issues. I thought I could talk about my oldest son who complains every morning about having to get up for school and has repeatedly asked that we start homeschooling. I had no real purpose or plan about what to post. And in searching for my purpose I turned to God.
Now, I didn't ask God to send me an idea for a topic. What I mean is that I was feeling lost and uncertain about what to do, how to speak, where to go with all of this. And normally when I'm feeling uncertain about anything in life, from the smallest problems to the seemingly insurmountable ones, it means that I have turned my attention away from God and it's time to make a U-turn. It's time to turn my attention back to the One who is always present in my life and ask Him to guide my path.
- Psalms 143:7-10
- 7 Answer me quickly, O Lord; my spirit fails. Do not hide your face from me or I will be like those who go down to the pit. 8 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul. 9 Rescue me from my enemies, O Lord, for I hide myself in you. 10 Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.
How easy it is to stray. To get caught up in our own sorrows and problems. To feel as if there is no one to turn to, no one willing to help. Drawing a blank when it comes to blogging is in no way equatable to the afflictions others may be facing this morning. But all things, great and small, can affect our lives. And I realized that if I was struggling to come up with a topic, then surely there were others out there with problems greater than mine. I knew that if I couldn't come up with something to say, a regular chatter-box, then something was holding me back. That something was that I was not focusing on giving glory to God. And for my own self, when I turn my back on God so-to-speak, when I don't focus on fulfilling His plan for my life, I become lost. The focus in this house hasn't become anti-christian, mind you. But it definitely hasn't been completely on doing the will of Christ. So maybe that was His intention all along. Maybe I was called to remind not only myself that when all else fails - turn to God. I was struggling with what to say and God turned that opportunity into a way to glorify Him. I'm reminded to look at the animals: DOG - depend on God, FROG - forever rely on God.
So my post today seemingly wrote itself. No longer was I struggling to come up with an idea. The idea was there all along. I had just lost focus...

What a beautiful post Julie.
Thank you.
Loved your post! How easy it is to lose focus for all of us...and how simple it is to regain that focus! Thanks for sharing!
You have been a source of direction for my post today! Thank you for being obedient to what He wanted you to write. Blessings... Polly
You know, it sometimes takes us a long time to realize this. Good for you that you caught on so quickly! Your post today will certainly help the rest of us stop and take a moment too see where we're each going.
Thanks, I needed this.
Hi Julie! Thanks for sharing! I have found that if I have nothing to post for a day or two, I either need to just share what is on my heart (straying from my 'design blog'), as you did so eloquently today, or I need to be still and not share at all! Either is fine depending on the circumstances. I realize that it might disappoint some people to pop over and find nothing new, but I need to be obedient and keep my priorities straight. My blog cannot be the center of my life. If nothing is new on the blog, that means I am simply focused on a different priority. You have permission to not post when your time needs to be focused elsewhere (and we will all know it was the right thing for you to do), but of course when you can share from the heart it is sweet for all of us.
Thanks for blessing us all today with the sweet reminder to keep focused on God!
Hi Julie,
You and Polly are sure in sync today! A message conveyed well by you both and so perfect indeed.
P.S., did you get an email from me? I sent you something...
Thank you Ms Julie... I think you know that I have been there... I agree that it is so wonderful to have a guardian angel like you with a gentle reminder of who we should turn to when we need help... or fall along the way
Unfortunately the business of living life becomes a blizzard that blinds us to The Creator of our lives. It can happen anytime, but I tend to lose my focus around the holidays. I know, we are supposed to be more focused on God then! But there are just sooo many things that "must" be done. And on top of that we have two birthdays in December. Excuses, excuses... Thanks for the scripture. Just what I needed to hear!
Thanks for this.
Hi Julie...I thought I was the only one in a blogging slump lately...actually its hard to blog when you have weightier things on your mind.
You are an inspiration!
Lovely post Julie.
Loved your post..and your found focus!
kari & kijsa
What a wonderful post! My life is always better when I rely on God no matter what it is, big or little. It makes me feel good knowing that God is working in my life!!
Have a cozy evening!
Great post Julie. Makes you think!!
And it turned out beautifully Julie, you should consider writing devotionals...
Thanks that was great..it is easy to forget sometimes.
Great post Julie!!!!
Well said, Julie. So happy that you are back to regular blogging. I missed you!
Hi Julie!!! I didn't realize that you were back... and you need cheering up! I think it's partly this dreary weather. You don't HAVE to post every day... unless you're me and decided to post something creative for 365 days in a row! (What was I thinking?!!!) I'm sending BIG hugs from the other side of the state! And Agora Cyber Charter School is an option in PA. It's what we did last year and who I worked for until Dec. They have great curriculum and lots of help... it's definately an option. Email me if you want :)
Thank you!! XO
Beautiful post...wonderful words...we agree with you 100%..we need to keep our focus on God
Have a wonderful day!
smiles, kari & kijsa
Wonderful post, Julie! Thank you so much!
Poor thing, you!
When I'm troubled, a good way for me to find the answer is to let the Universe (God) give me the answer. I do that easily by taking a random book off the shelf and letting it fall open to a random page. Usually the first thing I see on the page is the answer!
What may seem random, isn't random at all.
hey! you got a comment from Redneck Nerdboy. Hmph!
Lovely post from a lovely lady!!
God has certainly used you today my sweet friend to remind us all. Thank you.
Hugs! Spring will be here soon.
Thank you for the inspiration-it's just what I needed!
Hi Julie;
Good word, encouraging post. Sometimes it is just hard, lately I find myself wondering if I should walk away from blogging, wondering if it is really what I am supposed to be doing. I thought God wanted me to share our life, but sometimes life is so real it is just hard to want to put that into something of 50 words or less.
Seeking God...all ways
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
Thanks so much for your lovely post!
hoganfe handbags
Amen! I couldn't have said this better, and it's just so true. I hope you have a lovely weekend sweetie. Hugs for you today!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
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