Thank you to everyone who was kind enough to send me a Christmas card! And Brenda, I love my calendar. That was so sweet of you. Thank you so much!!
I wanted to share a few pictures with you and I was so afraid that I wasn't going to be able with this stinkin' computer. But, fingers crossed, hopefully I won't have too many problems this morning. The first is a print that I received from Rebecca at Cre8tiva. She painted this angel for her birthday giveaway . And was kind enough to send me a print even though I didn't win. I framed it and it now is part of my collection on my buffet. Isn't it gorgeous?? Thank you Rebecca! I love it!!
And these next pictures were taken of my mother's nativity set that she made 20 years ago in ceramics class. The colors were based on the nativity set of our church. It's absolutely beautiful. Because I know how gorgeous it is, I don't think the pictures do it justice. But I may be biased. This set even has The Little Drummer Boy.
I have quite a few things to do over the next few days. Tomorrow night my boys are participating in a live nativity with their youth group. I have no gifts bought for my cats! I can't believe I almost forgot to buy them gifts!! Tonight is Kenny's Christmas party. I have grocery shopping to do, chairs to pick up at church for Christmas dinner and a house to clean...geez. But, I will try my best to visit everyone. I missed you guys! And I still can't see my signature! Whatever!!
#282 ~ Turn off the lights and put on a recording of Bing Crosby's "White Christmas." Ask your spouse to dance!
Oh, Julie, I'm so glad you're back! I was worried that your son might have gotten worse. What a relief to know it was your computer that was sick.
The Nativity your mother painted is gorgeous. The figures themselves look like the ones my husband received for attending Sunday School in the '60s.
You really do have a nice nativity set! Merry Christmas!
Welsome back... :)
Glad your son is doing well...
your nativity is beautiful...
Your Tip #282? I'd need to borrow some steel-toed boots first... lol...
Welcome back! Even two days can seem like an eternity! : )
The Nativity is gorgeous! I have one my mother in law made MANY years ago and it's put out every year in her honor.
Have a lovely Christmas!
Welcome back - and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Girl....Holy Smokes....leave for a day and miss the world!
I do hope everyone is mended up for Christmas....your baby and the computer...I want to see pics of that fabulous Christmas Eve up there!!!
I was out of town for the day and when I popped in here I read ALL about it!!
ahhhh, the bugs out before Christmas!!:)
and how bout the gift we got last night...
FINALLY a win by those Steelers!!
Was getting worried about you chick!
Merry, MERRY Christmas to you and yours!
Well thank the Lord
Good Morning Julie,
"WELCOME BACK"!!!! You were very much missed. I am so glad that Ausin's Mersa is shrinking. "PRAISE GOD". I loved the Angel painting. It is just beautiful. The Nativity your Mother did in Ceramics is just gorgeous. I absolutely love it. It looks so real. I know what you mean about running out of time. I have so much to do and so little time left to do it. I posted today, but may not get to for a few days. It is now crunch time. Me and hubby has to go shopping tonight and then I have cleaning to do as well. We are having Christmas Eve here at our house this year with my Parents and Sister. If I don't get to visit or post I want to wish you and yours a "MERRY CHRISTMAS". Enjoy your time with your Family. Take care my friend and have a great Friday. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
P.S. I forgot to say that I'm glad your computer is working for now. Maybe it needs a break from us as we need to break away from it for a while. You were truly missed tho.
Welcome back Julie - Happy Holidays & Happiest New Year!
hoganfe handbags
Julie, I'm so glad your son is doing better.. It sounds like you are pretty busy!! Tell you mother what a beautiful Nativity. I really need a Nativity..I have everything else. As my husband would say, what's one more crate in the attic!
Merry Christmas!
Hi Julie,
THat is so annoying. I hate computer woes.
Glad your son is doing better.
So glad you are are a great multi-tasker, so you will be back in the blog groove quickly.
Your mother's Nativity set is mom had made the 3 Kings; sadly they have gone missing...maybe on camels somewhere.
Julie, I love the Nativity set your Mother painted! Beautiful!
Merry Christmas!
I was just thinking about you the other evening, wondering if you're going crazy without access to your blog!!! I'm glad you're back! And enjoy all these preparations... aren't you the one who said we should be thankful that we have loved ones to prepare this all for? I hope your family has a wonderful Christmas and I'll see you in 2008!!!
glad to have you back, girl. your nativity is just lovely.
merry, merry Christmas,
Sooo glad you are back, and so glad you reminded me to buy a present for Winston! Pets need gifts too!
Christmas blessings,
Hi Julie,
Though my blog is still in hibernation for now, I just wanted to drop by and wish you and yours a
Love & Hugs,
I am so thankful that your son is on the mend. MRSA is so scary. I know that your Christmas will be extra joyful now, even with all the computer problems and stuff that has to be done. It all gets put into perspective when a loved one is sick. Merry Christmas Julie.
I am so happy to see you back! I was worried sick that your son was not improving!!
Enjoy your weekend and take a bit of time to relax as well.
As for your advice, I don't think I'll get hubby to dance with me...all he ever wants to do is twirl me around! I don't think my head can take the spinning!
Merry Christmas Julie!
Julie, 2 days and no blogging!!!
Glad to see you are back.
Glad you are back- The blogging world isn't the same without you! You are so wonderful at visiting and keeping in touch- a treasure of friendship!! Love the Nativity painted by your mother!
kari & kijsa
I am glad you're back!
I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas.
I'm so glad to hear your son is doing better! Believe me - I know how terrifying that ordeal is. Aren't computers frustrating?! And yet so wonderful when they're working right. Yesterday I had a message that I'm low on virtual memory. Have a wonderful Christmas weekend. Blessings & love... Polly
Hi Julie,
Missed your posts but know what a pain computer issues can be. Merry Christmas to you and your family. You take care and I know you will beat the computer at his grinch game!
They are very pretty!
I'm glad your PC is kind of working again. Sorta working. Kinda...
Rest assured, Julie, that we all see your signature. Perhaps you can teach me how to do that someday after the holidays. Your nativity set is lovely...certainly the reason for the season. Glad to hear that your son is healing without surgery.
I hope all is calming down... goodness!
I do pray for your son...
Just wanted to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
May you truly have Peace and Joy..
I love that nativity set. Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas, dear Julie, from us in Australia. I am glad you are back.
That nativity is really lovely; what a beautiful thing for your mother to have made for you.
Praying you a Merry Christmas celebration...rejoice!
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
ps- glad God made us friends this year!
Hey sweetpea,
I just wanted to pop in and wish you a very merry christmas filled with love, laughter and many new memories!
Talk to you soon!
Hugz, Dolly
Dear Julie,
So glad to see you back! And I can see your signature, even though you can't.
I just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed reading your posts, and the sweet comments you leave on my blog (and on other's, too!)
I hope you and your family have a wonderful and blessed Christmas, and a happy new year!
I hope you will take some pictures of the live nativity for us! Hope you and your family have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.
Looks lovely! And its nice to have a print of the angel on your buffet! Just lovely!
Julie, it's so good to hear from you again. And I'm glad to know the MRSA is lessening. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Beautiful photos. So glad you were able to post.
I wish for you and yours the merriest of Christmases filled with family, love, food and fun and many memory making moments.
Christmas hugs sweet friend!
Hi Julie ~~ How was your Christmas? I hope that all was wonderful and hope to hear from you soon! Happy New Year, too!
I am sorry to hear your son is sick Julie! I hope you and your family still were able to have a wonderful Christmas. I have been so busy and fallen behind of blog visits so I am sending my wishes late as we are just back from Cranberry Cottage. It is still what we call 2nd Christmas Day here in Holland so for us my wishes are still on time. :)
~~ Heidi ~~
Just bopped by again to wish a merry hello on the day after Christmas!
kari & kijsa
Hope you had a merry Christmas!
Hi Julie, I just dropped by to say a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Things have been so busy on my end I hadn't been blogging as much as I wanted. But I see you have been having problems. I know you love blogging so I hope that ol' computer gets fixed soon. Hope your son is doing okay too. xo Lynn
Hi Jules,
I hope that you had a very wonderful holiday :) Just popping in to say hi.
I hope you had a blessed Christmas. Sending wishes to you and your family for a prosperous New Year!
Awesome nativity, Julie and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope you are having a restful, enjoyable week ...
Finally getting a chance to catch up on blogs!
Love Sandy
Hey Girl,
Miss your posts. Hope you are okay and it's just your bad computer. Happy New Year!
Love the nativity. Hope either Santa brought you a new computer or got you a date with the Geek Squad to fix your old one! Hurry back!
oh julie...hoping you are doing ok! missing you much and praying for your is he doing? my austin would love any excuse for an extended christmas break :)
hope to hear from you soon!
Hope all is well with you and your family.
Stopping by to wish you a Happy New Year!
..just checkin' in to see how yer doing..Happy New Year Julie!
I hope your computer woes are over in time to celebrate the new year with your cyberfriends! We miss you....
I miss you! Please come back soon~ you are my inspiration, hope your son is getting better.
Happy New Year
Happy New Year!
I've started my new blog and sent you an email invite.
Love & Hugs,
Good Morning Julie,
I have been missing you and having coffee with you of the early mornings. I do hope and pray that everything and everyone is okay. I want to wish you and yours a "HAPPY NEW YEAR" from our Family. I hope that 2008 will be a great and wonderful year for you and yours. Take care my friend and have a great Monday. May God Bless You and Yours.
Love & Hugs,
Karen H.
Hope things are going well for you and that you have an awesome new year's!
Hey you!
I popped in this New Year's eve...the boys are Bowl Game inspired and I get some time...
I pray you all are doing okay...
miss those early morning chats with the girl in the burgh!
Hope Christmas was wonderful...and hurry back!
you are missed in these parts!
Hey you!
I popped in this New Year's eve...the boys are Bowl Game inspired and I get some time...
I pray you all are doing okay...
miss those early morning chats with the girl in the burgh!
Hope Christmas was wonderful...and hurry back!
you are missed in these parts!
Happy New Year Julie! I hope 2008 is a fabulous year for you and your family sweetie!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Happy New Year, you lovely Italian Bride, you! Love, Esther
thank you for showing me where your angel is...visitng you always brightens my day...may the spirit of a new year fill your home with an abundance of love, laughter, and joy...may the magic of the moment bring peace to your heart all year long...may your creativity take you to amazing places and may you experience the resulting bliss...much love you and your family...rebecca
Happy New Year!
Busy, very busy grandbaby...a girl born on Christmas Eve Day...pop over if you wish.
Happy New Year
Missed you! so glad you are back on the air..and your son is feeling better...Here's to a great 2008...
Happy New Year Julie! We are all missing you! Hope all is well for you! XOXOXO
Julie, we miss you terribly. You and your family are in our prayers.
Julie Julie where have you gone? Are you okay?
Welcome back! What a beautiful nativity set!
Happy 2008! Sharon
Missing you and hoping everything is OK!
Love & Hugs,
Hi Julie,
I'm getting worried...praying that all is well for you and your family.
Julie, come back!
Hope your problems are straightened out soon! We miss you!
Hi Julie, boy do I miss your posts? Hope you get back soon. Love,
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