Anyway, about last night. After Joseph left, I started to read a few blogs. And I noticed that sessions were popping up without prompting. I exited out of all of them, including the ones I launched and waited for my husband to come home and take a look-see. There were 487 infected files and 3 viruses. NICE! So the Spyware Doc pulled out his handy black bag and got to work. It took a better portion of the evening to scan and correct. At about 9 or so, everything was corrected and he said, you can get on now. HA! I was quite comfortable on the couch and was reacquainting myself with the back of my eyelids. So I apologize for not visiting everyone yesterday. ESPECIALLY since everyone left such positive and heartfelt comments for me. Today I will be shopping with my mother for a present for my father. So again, I'm not sure when I'll be on. But know that if I were here (and able) I would be commenting!
Have you seen this? Michael Vick was sentenced to 23 months in a federal prison. No, it will not be the conventional cell block prison, but I'm still calling this a victory! I love animals, as evidenced by my 6 resident cats. I grew up with dogs. I don't watch movies where I know something will happen to an animal. Unless you count Old Yeller which was shown in the 5th grade at school and I had no choice. Seems that today, with all the violence on TV and in the news, you become desensitized to human cruelty. But cruelty to animals never ceases to strike a nerve with me. To take part in such atrocious behavior, to derive pleasure out of torturing an animal makes you the biggest degenerate in my eyes. Shame on you Michael Vick! Shame on you for letting down all of those young children who looked up to you.
And DON'T FORGET! Tomorrow is Karla's 'What Do You Love About Your Holiday Home' tour. I can't wait to see everyone's homes and share mine with you also!
#290 ~ Pray that God will help you see opportunities to be a blessing to others this Christmas.
I heard Vick in an interview "apologize" saying he had been really immature. Uhhh, excuse me? Killing dogs is now just immature, not cruel and heartless? His fake apologies turn my stomach. I hope this guy serves his prison time and then never returns to public view. I hope other things for him too but better I don't mention them.
Good Morning Julie,
I have seen on the news about Vick, but haven't really paid much attention to it. It just makes me sick tho that all these people do wrong things and don't have to serve a REAL Prison Sentence. That is just wrong. In God's Eyes, they are no better than we are. But like they say, "Money Talks". There has been several arrests made up in the hills around here about Animal Abuse. I know this is so wrong of me, but sometimes I think that the people doing the abuse should have the same thing done to them. I'm Sorry, PLEASE forgive me for thinking that way. I'm glad your hubby got your computer fixed. I think I may have a virus or something on mine as well. It's been acting funny lately and I'm having to restart it alot. Of course it being 7 years old doesn't help either. LOL. Aren't babies just so much fun? I love babies. I just love to hold them and love on them. I sometimes miss mine being small babies. I know they have to grow up tho. It's the Motherly thing acting in me. LOL. Well, take care my friend and have a great Tuesday. May God Bless You and Yours. Have fun shopping today with your Mother.
Karen H.
don't worry about us.... we'll be here when you get time. :-)
Have a fun day shopping!
Don't spend too much on all of us for Christmas!
Frankly I think he got off way too easy! That man has no shame... I can not imagine what a poor defenseless dog must feel going through such torture... to think they never had anyone love them or give them hugs and kisses... they only knew death and pain. .... it breaks my heart... and Michael Vick isnt paying half of what he should for what he did to those animals... I just want to cry when I think about it...
I wish I could rescue every dog and let them live out the rest of their lives on a huge farm with loads of running room
Hope you have fun shopping
I saw a movie the other night that you might like called "Year Of The Dog" with Molly Shannon. A little sad but still pretty good.
I was glad to see that he got some kind of sentence and not just a slap on the hand..
As much as I love animals I rarely watch any sort of movie about animals...
Hope you have fun shopping! :)
I think you're absolutely right about everything: we are a very desensitized society.
I will be visiting you tomorrow when I get a chance for Karla's Holiday Home Tour! I still don't have access to my own photos, so I'll just be a visitor everywhere else ;)
Playing with a little one is the best way to spend the day:)
Hope you have a great time shopping. I'm going to get Santa gifts tomorrow, then I am through....YEAH!!!
Agree with you 100% on Michael Vick!
Becoming desensitized to human cruelty. but cruelty to animals never ceases? Boy did you hit the nail on the head! Er...the human head. Not the doggy head.
Oh..don't 'they' say that finding joy in being cruel to animals is how some serial killer got their start? I don't know.. sick. Just glad he got his due!
hope your computer is better.
My computer was wacky yesterday too. My husband put a new security scan on it and it didn't finish until 11:00 PM. I was dying w/o my laptop attached to my hand.
I'm with you on animal cruelty. I think I like animals better than people. I guess it's that unconditional love.
Oh, I must get to the couch and watch the's always so sad....thank you for our new found might enjoy my 200th post.
bless ya
I had to run my virus stuff the day before yesterday. 36 critical objects! My 16 year old has to tell me to run my virus software like I have to tell the other kids to wash their hands! =) Blessings... Polly
A seven month fun!
But I would be exhausted...
Can't wait for Karla's party tomorrow..I will def come visit you!
Thanks for coming by. I had to let you know that is the visitors room and I have no visitors lol.
Did I ever mention that I love your "challenge" at the bottom of each post - so creative and encouraging!! Love it!
Blessings to you,
Hi Julie, hope you had a good day shopping. I'm looking forward to visiting you and everyone else tomorrow at Karla's party!
Oh, and I'm with you on the Michael Vick thing -- how can anyone enjoy such cruelty?
Hi Julie,
I am with you about Vick.....Hope your SIL faired as good as I did with jury duty today. I was there 3 hours, but not called. I did learn alot and it was very interesting, so I am glad I was there.
Grrr on spyware!!
[Jas taking a torch to his computer again]
At first I thought,"There is a name for people that are unable to feel sympathy for the suffering of others,whether it be human,or animal..."Sociopath"
Well I've known more than a couple,and there is no remorse in them.Only the bland recitation of apologetic rhetoric they will never understand..Ever.
Vick should be put down,in the same fashion as the dogs he destroyed because they failed to perform"...
..and then I thought,"Damm,..this whole Christian forgiveness thing ain't all that easy!"..
I'm working on it.
Julie - First, I was very, very touched by your boy's mother's gesture. I am very experienced with the blended family deal and know how stressful it is. That was really something. Glad you have been able to make peace with her. Michael Vick - sicko, is all I can say. I am so with you about animals. Can't believe he got off with 23 months. I hope he never plays in the NFL again. He is not sorry for what he has done, only that he was caught and how it affects his career. I heard people where sending their Michael Vick Tshirts to animal shelters so they could be used to clean up pens - I Love it. Love ya, Esther
Hey...I'm just poppin' in...had an "off" day so I am making late night visits.....I'll let myself out and lock the door....
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