Well not today. I am bound and determined this is not going to affect my day. I managed to get Kenny's lunch packed and coffee ready. I did Austin's job of emptying the litter for him so he had time to get ready. He normally gets up at 5:45 so he has time to shower, etc. So he was in panic mode. But he caught the bus. Whew!
So...I have to go to the grocery store. I decided that this week I was going to make it a little easier on myself. I planned a menu - GET OUT! Martha Stewart you say? No. Just Julie.
Monday: Chicken cutlets with Risi e bisi
Tuesday: Enchiladas and tossed salad
Wednesday: Chili and cornbread (thanks Penny!)
Thursday: Stuffed cabbage and mashed potatoes
Friday: Whatever...the boys are going to Kerry's for the weekend!
I already have 4 Christmas cookies baked and in the freezer. I made Ooey Gooey Chocolate cookies, Chocolate covered Lace Florentine cookies, Praline cookies and Ricotta cookies. Today I hope to find what I need to make these. And I need to make chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter cup cookies. Then I should be done. Have you all seen this link? I found the recipe for the Ricotta cookies here and the Praline cookies. Check it out. I'm sure you'll find the recipe you've been looking for.
The Steelers won!! And instead of doing a blessing of the day, from now until Christmas, I will be posting a suggestion from a book I have called The Little Book of Christmas Joys.
Be the first to wish everyone you meet a Merry Christmas!
I love when Thanskgiving is over and we can say "Merry Christmas!" :)
I wouldn't make it without a menu... we have to drive 30 miles to get groceries now, and we only go every 2 weeks, so I plans menus for two weeks at a time!
I once read that when you have a little shock or panic it takes 24 hours for your body to completely reset. That explains why a missed alarm can leave us frazzled all day.
I'm glad the Steelers won but it's just not the same for me without Bill Cowher. He was the epitome of football class.
Good Morning Julie,
You bundle up when you go out to the grocery store today. What time will dinner be each night this week? LOL. We will finish leftovers tonight and then I don't know what I will have tomorrow night. Oh, I hate when the electricity goes out. Since we have moved to this house, I have been setting the alarm on my cell phone. That way, if the electricity does go out, I will have an alarm that will go off. I have an alarm clock by my bed that I used to use all the time at the other house, but I just decided to do this instead. Most of the time I have to call hubby sometimes earlier than I get up. And then too, there is no snooze on the cell phone alarm clock. LOL. Those cookies sounds yummy. My sister makes Ewie Gewie Chocolate Bars. I wonder if they are similar? She made some at Thanksgiving and brought to our dinner. They sure were good. Well, take care my friend and have a great Monday. May God Bless You and Yours.
Karen H.
Oh! I hate it when I wake up late because the alarm doesn't go off! What a shock!!
Your cookies sound delicious! And you are welcome for the chili and cornbread recipe!!
Hi Julie, that's happened here before, too!
It has been one month since J's last day of work. The alarm is still set for 5AM and on. I think it is one of those things we'll hang onto into retirement for just a little while!! I've awakened each morning, for over 40 years, to the sound of KMOX radio...it's a hard thing to let go of!!
I am going to try that menu planning thing too! Your book sounds great!
Hey there.... you have got me hankering for the baking thing... cant wait to dig in to cookie dough...
I am not a good one with alarms... if I don't wake up when my body is ready which can be anywhere between 6 to 8 am .... I am just a bear the rest of the day
Have fun with your
Regarding those cookies, when you say "baked and in the freezer" I'm pretty sure what you meant to say is "baked and on their way to The Hat" right?
(checks mailbox) Dernit! heh heh
Menu planning makes a big difference in how much you spend at the grocery store and it takes so much stress out of the work week. I am a HUGE advocate of menu planning....I'm just not doing it at the moment!
Merry Christmas! Your post yesterday was right on the money. Our pastor talked about the meaning of Christmas last night about how Jesus' birth would have meant nothing without his perfect life and sacraficial death. Was a very good lesson and one we should all remember this time of year.
Ummmmm, all those cookies sound sooo good. I am going to school today to have lunch with a granddaughter, then, I'll stop on my way home for ingredients for several cookies for the freezer. Then, the grandkids and I have one day that we call Cookie Bakin' Day. All together and, boy, does the flour fly!!! lol
I am anxious to start candy making, too. Oh, yum...I can feel the pounds adhering to my hips as we speak!
I love your menu. Even though there is just two of us I need to do it too.
I'll be over for dinner tonight, tomorrow night, and possibly Wednesday. I'll skip cabbage night.
Dont panic if you see a strange mans name under my link... he is trying to hellp me figure out what is going on with google...
should read....
You are such a busy girl! Love the cookie link, thanks!
BTW what time will dinner be served? I don't want to arrive late;)
Holy Cow...I can't even tell you what I'm having for dinner tomorrow let alone today...although I vaguely remember what I put in the grocery cart on Saturday!!...Roast today! (I just remembered)
Glad you didn't let the morning ruin your day...for some people thats all it takes to send them over the edge!!
Well now I know .... google wont let anyone except google bloggers post links to their sites
GO figure
I almost never oversleep...wish I could sometimes! I am usually awake way before the alarm sounds and then start thinking about everything that needs doing, so I just go ahead and get up. So, enjoy!
Sounds like you will have a extra busy day and week.
Hi there!
Remember me? Yep, I'm the one who hasn't been by for a visit in over a week. Sorry. It's been wild and crazy around my house, plus I've been out of town, but I'm home now and sooooo ready to catch up on my blog reading. I've sure enjoyed visiting here today. Finally!
I went back and read all your posts I've missed and it's been fun seeing what you've been up to.
I made those florentine lace ones once...did you wrap them around a wooden spoon handle to harden? Are they filled with anything?
Hey Julie,
I'm glad that the Steelers won, too! DH watched the game, but I did not...I watched the Hallmark Hall of Fame movie, "Pictures of Hollis Woods"...it was sooo good, but I cried a lot...very hearttouching! Anyways, I pray the rest of your week goes better! BTW, the cookies sound wonderful...especially the praline ones. Take care dear friend!
Love, Kim
I got grandma's recipe for "snowball" cookies last night and plan on doing some baking with Miah this week. I've never used a menu at home but perhaps I should try it. I'm always running to the store to get that one thing that I need to finish the meal. There are few different menu planners available on one of the homeschool sites. I'll have to go check them out. (not that I'll follow it all the time, but you know how I love to add links to the sidebar!)
Merry Christmas Miz Julie!!
All of your baking sounds so good as does your menu!
Have a warm and happy day!
Sweet! Sounds like you bounced back rather well!
But ... you might want to make more than just four cookies.
Ok so this is a test
ok this is another test
Ok trying this one more time
You are a busy girl. I never bake until the weekend before Christmas.
I have to make cut out cookies for my oldest son. He loves them.
Hope tomorrow your alarm works better.
I rarely EVER over sleep. I just naturally wake up early. I work up today around 3-3:30 a.m. I just have always been that way. I haven't used an alarm clock since Easter when I had to catch an early bird flight to Denver.
And by the way, Even though it was set for 4 a.m., I long beat it to the punch. :)
Sorry you day started off like that. I've now cursed myself for getting up for work in the morning. :)
Oh I've had mornings like that too! Well your menu for the week sounds great, and your cookies too! I've got to get started baking!
I hate when I miss the alarm. Hope you had a peaceful day.
Wow you have been busy with all those cookies! Glad your day didn't end up being a wreck.
Hope the rest of your day went well Martha, oops Julie
BTW I will post a link to your store on my blog and thank you so much for the add!
Hey - I think I have that little Christmas book, too. I love it!
And you're killing me with all your cookie making. I'm so impressed. And jealous. Not a good thing to be at the holidays...but that's just how I roll. lol
I'm still mourning the fact that the Eagles lost...again. And they lost to the Seahawks. My husband is probably the only Seahawks fan outside of Washington State and HIS team just HAD to beat MY team. Bummer. At least Oklahoma won in college ball. That was a bright spot anyway.
Anywho, enough of that. I'm just doing a little light blog-surfing and thought I'd drop by and say hey. I've been a bad, bad blogger lately and I'm feeling the shame! ha
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Julie!!!
I will be in Pittsburgh this coming Saturday and Sunday morning for my husband's holiday party for work! I'll wave around and yell "hi", so if you hear that, it's me! :))
And YEAH!!!! the Steelers won!!! (though it kept us up LATE and I slept too long this morning also!)
Okay..your makin' my mouth water!!
what a good wife to be so organized!
Come on you have to SAY it the right way...
"haw bout dem STILLERS"
no hint of a Southern Drawl in there..fell asleep in the third quarter, felt safe to snooze....
the menu looks fab...and the cookies..I can't FIND the order form...:)
you are too cute!
love dem Stillers!!
Go Steelers! Glad you didn't let a late start to the day ruin the rest of the day for yourself and family. It is so disconcerting, though.
Sounds like you are a busy girl. The cookies sound great.
It's been a long time since I overslept! Good for you!
And a menu! Get out is right! Wow. Putting me to shame!
Happy night,
Thanks for the cookie link. I'm finishing up Christmas cards and then I get to bake. Michelle
Wow, it sounds like a crazy morning. I hate those kinds of days.
All of the food sounds delicious, of course.
I'm interested in those ricotta cookies. Think I'll check those out.
Hey, I made panettone! I need you to critique me. I need your Italian experience. I'm wondering what the texture of the outside, should be.
You've been tagged. Check my blog for details.
I think having a menu is helpful, then you don't have to think about what you're going to make.
Your cookies sounds delish and make me want to get on the ball with my baking!
Mondays are always like that! Do you do alot of baking for the holidays? Has your family ever made the little Italian cookies called pizelles. I have a pizelle maker and make them for Christmas. To answer your question about my garland, it's just like fake pearls that I got at Target and that's what I put on the tree. Hope you are having a great week.
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