Let me first start out by saying thank-you to everyone who dropped by while I was out. It touches my heart. Remember the styes that I kept getting? Well, it got a lot worse before it got better. I had one on my upper right eyelid. It went away and then I had one on my upper left eyelid. It went away. But then...I got yet another on my lower right eyelid and this one got badly infected. I called the doctor on Monday after my mother practically threatened me, haha, and he called me in a prescription for an antibiotic drop. By Monday night I couldn't see out of my right eye anymore, it had swollen so bad. Tuesday was just as bad. Wednesday was a little better. And then suddenly it got a lot better. I could finally see without any problems yesterday. You can still see it. But it's just a little bump now. Instead of it covering my entire bottom lid, it's just this little thing now. Moral of the story...don't let them get out of control.
School was canceled on Tuesday and Wednesday due to the snow and ice. The boys were thrilled! But we could have been in big trouble. Let me explain. Remember a few months ago when the sensor went on our furnace? Kenny replaced it and we've been fine. But then Monday night when we were getting all of that snow, the furnace cut out again. We woke up to a 58 degree house. Kenny said that he would bypass the sensor for the day and fix whatever the problem was when he got home that night. The furnace would just have to run all day. He showed me the pin (bypassing the sensor) and said that if it got too hot in here to pull it. That was about 5:30 in the morning. Well, unbeknown to my sweet husband, when he bypassed the sensor...the flue didn't open. Carbon monoxide was pouring into the house. About 10:00 the boys and I were deathly ill. Our heads were heavy and pounding. We were dizzy and sick to our stomachs. Hearts pounding out of our chests. We could hardly stand. As a matter of fact, Austin laid down in the hallway upstairs. I was wracking my brain trying to figure out how we could all get so sick. Same symptoms and everything. Then it dawned on me. Could this be carbon monoxide? I sent the boys outside and pulled the pin. I opened a window. And waited. Unfortunately, the house was freezing again. But we were alive! When Kenny came home I explained what I did. He went down to check and came running back up. He said the flue didn't open and I was right. Austin said good thing Mom was here. Or you would have had a hard time waking us up, huh Dad? Kenny said no...you would have fallen asleep forever. Austin's head spun around and said...Good thing Mom doesn't go to work anymore! Kenny winked at me and said yep.
I'm taking that as a sign from God. Times are rough right now. But yet every time I question our decision for me to stay home, God sends me a sign that lets me know I am supposed to be here. The last sign was when an old outlet caught fire and I was here to put it out. So while we may be struggling financially right now...I still know we made the right decision. I have turned this problem over to God and He will get us through this. Oh and I don't really know what the problem was, but Kenny fixed it. He knew immediately what to do but just didn't have the time in the morning. And the moral of this story...Trust in God!
Have a great Friday everyone!
Lenten Scriptures: Mat 5:20-26 "...go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift."
Thought for the day: Meditate today on Jesus' call to forgive others just as God forgives us.
Oh Julie! You had a guardian angel on your shoulder. Go out and get a carbon monoxide detector TODAY. I have two of them and they have gone off when I have warmed up my car outside and left the garage door opened (it came in when I opened the door). Those things are so sensitive you will know for sure if something is wrong. I called the fire department because I didn't know at the time what was causing the alarms to go off. Please go get one today, it could save your life. I am so glad you and the boys are okay and hope your eye gets better son. Take care!
OHGosh, Julie, I am so glad you all are OK. What a scary thing to have happen. Thank goodness you had the presence of mind to do what needed to be done. ((hugs)) Rosie
Oh...we do love guardian angels...we had our own visits this week! Glad you are safe! Happy belated Valentine's wishes!
kari & kijsa
Wow, Julie, what a scary experience! So often carbon monoxide fogs the brain so that people aren't able to figure out what's wrong. I'm so glad your head stayed clear and you knew what do to.
We are so glad you are all okay...what a scary thing to have happened...what a blessing you were home...
Have a blessed and wonderful day...
smiles, kari & kijsa
Oh my goodness.... I am so glad to know that you all are doing ok... seems to be going around ...trees falling... furnaces not working... God works in mysterious ways... He will see you through this rough spot too
I just love when we get these signs that tell us we're doing what's right....even though your particular sign was terribly frightening! Thank goodness your were home!
God is so good. When you make a decision that you know in your heart is right, I KNOW that God gives affirmation and reassurance in visible, tangible ways.
He is an awesome God!
WOW! I am so thankful y'all are OK and that God gave you the presence of mind to know what was going on!
that story gives me chill bumps!!
glad you all are OK
Hi Julie, I love the way you ended this post. Bless you for sharing.
Girl you have had a rough go. I hope things get better soon. Stay warm and safe!
Oh my gosh!! What a close call. I am so grateful for a watching God. What would we do without you?
Oh Love, I'm sorry! But you won't believe this... our furnace went out on Wednesday! It was scary because of the cold. It never occurred to me that there could've been an issue with cardon monoxide! You're so fortunate. And here's something my mom often reminds me: You know you're doing what the Lord wants when the devil starts attacking you from every side! Blessings... Polly
Oh my goodness Julie! What a scary situation with the furnace. I'm so glad to hear everything is ok and all of you are fine.
Take care. Stay warm.
Yikes, how scary for you. God was certainly watching out for you all.
I was worried for you in your absence, so glad you are OK in spite of life' difficulties!
Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow. Thank goodness you were home and knew what to do.
Julie reading this gave me the chills! I am SO GLAD you are all OK!!
You were there for a REASON! Praise God!
Have a Great Weekend!!
Thank God you and your family are ok. My, that must have been a scary experience. Thank goodness for your quick thinking!
hugs, bj
Oh, my goodness, I am so glad you were home. What a scary story. It sounds like you are going through a real rough patch.
I just love happy endings! So glad you are all safe and sound!
Oh Julie! I'm so glad you are all fine... That is so scary!
I will keep you all in my prayers, and hope things get better soon!
Wow Julie,
That is so dangerous. You need a carbon monoxide detector proto!!
I'm so glad you are all OK. Thank God!!
I'm glad your eyes are better as well.
I hope you all have a good weekend.
Oh Julie! What an awful and scary week you've had! Sweetie I hope things turns around really quicky for you, and I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you have a lovely, quiet and relaxing weekend.
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
I have suffered from styes often in the past. They are SUCH a bother!
Glad to hear that, after all you have been through recently, you are still keeping well. I am impressed by your inner strength!
- Laura
I am so glad you knew what it was and what to do Julie! Thank God!
glad you are okay...love the lenten suggestions...i have missed visiting you...hugs, r
Oh My Gosh Julie! I had goosebumps after reading that about the closed flue! Thank God, literally that you are all safe and sound...
Oh my goodness! That is so scary Julie. I am sooooo thankful that it dawned on you what it was! You all could have died so easily. I really believe that the Lord put that thought in your mind. What a miracle. I am so thankful you are okay. I'm sorry about your stys. I hope they can figure out why you get them and they will stay away!
I left a little something for you on my blog!
Hugs, Sharon
Oh Julie, God was watching over you! I'm so thankful that you were able to determine what was wrong and get the flue open. That was tooooo close!!! I'm thanking God for your guardian angels!
Oh gosh! Glad to hear you are all well! Scary!!
Hi Julie
Bless your heart. So sorry about your eyes but glad to hear they are getting better. I decided to be a stay at home over 24 years ago. It was hard decision because I had a pretty good paying job but I was miserable. I have pretty much been a stay at home mom, grammy, most of the time except for a little stint where I was a single mom going to college. The thing I learned the more money we make the more we blow and we never really came out any better! Putting my family first and staying at home is all I have ever wanted. It is the best career choice I could have ever made. Yes times are tough but we always make it!
God will bless your for making that choice or it sounds like he already has a few times!
Goodness, Julie! So happy that all of you are OK. That could have been a disaster!
Julie, it is so good to know you are all safe! I'm happy to know you were able to do what was necessary to get fresh air into the house. We have carbon monoxide detectors in our room, the upstairs landing and near the furnace area in the basement. They've never sounded, but it's a comfort knowing they're there.
Yes, "Someone" was definitely watching out for you!
Julie, you poor thing! That is such a scary story..so glad you are ok!
OMG I'm so glad you're all OK. That had to be scary. It is a good thing that you were home to save the day!
checking to see if you are ok!!
Oh Julie, thank God you are okay!! You were in "the right place at the right time", and what a blessing that is...
Yes, please go get a CO detector, and if that ever were to happen again, go get checked out at the hospital...it can have lingering side effects!!
So happy you ane your family are intact,
Hi Julie, I so glad your eye is better.
What a scary story...I'm happy everyone is well and safe. Gods plan is for you to be at home...I'm thankfull you heard him. Hugs, Linda
Glad you are feeling better, Julie! Love, Esther
wow...an eventful time you have had !! I am just relieved that you are all ok! GOD always provides for our every need. i am happy to hear your eyes are getting better julie.
get alot of sleep if you can drink you water to flush whatever this thing is out of your system. i know it sounds 'simple' but i am a firm believer in drinking our water for good health!
i am sounding crazy, :) hugs sweet one!
You are invited to a SURPRISE BLOGGY BIRTHDAY PARTY for kari this Wednesday, Feb 20.
She is turning 40!!!
Please stop by the party on Wednesday to mingle a bit, say hi to the surprised (hopefully!) birthday girl, enjoy a bite of cake, sprinkle a little of your magic birthday dust, and check out the party favor giveaway!
That was a really close call....good thinking, Julie. Glad your eye/stye is clearing too.Snow you say? Ice? I am living in an igloo.
Thank the good Lord!! How truly scary!! I'm soo glad you guys are okay..God is sufficient...that's what I keep tellin' myself..It gets hard...
We rented this house for 2 years before we bought it..(LONG HORRIBLE STORY) The landlord never updated the furnace..this thing was around since the 50's come to find out..both winters it would go out in the dead of winter... long story short when we bought the place, I thought it would be best to have the furnace checked..be responsible and all..come to find out the heat exchanger had a horrific crack as big as #3's arm..we were being poisioned for those two years and didn't even know it!! Not to the level you were..but I still say to this day it was the good Lord keeping this house drafty that we aren't dead now.....hope things are better with your eyes and the heat!
please visit my new blog :
I am so glad you are okay...so scary!
I do hope your eye is well soon...
God is truly there for us...
Hugs aplenty,
Julie... i found you through Dena's Swaddle Cottage. Oh Julie! Our God is so good. I thank God you're all alive, that you survived that carbon monoxide.
Take care
I'm sorry about your eyes. I guess getting a sty in one's eye used to be very common. We don't hear about them much anymore, but I hope yours willl be gone very soon.
Kathi PS I love all of your Scriptures
Good heavens, Julie! How terrifying! Thank God you knew what to do.
Julie, I'm SO thankful that you and the boys are okay!!!! My goodness, that was a close call. I know what you mean about the financial struggle, but I just keep thinking of the rewards. Glad those styes are history!
Hi Julie... that's a scary story you just told us... you know that God has promised that His grace is sufficient for us. (II Corinthians 12:9) and you are living proof with all the things that have happened lately... Love,
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