I must apologize to all of my blogging friends for my inability to get it together long enough to visit everyone. I don't remember how I did it before. Yesterday, I lectored for Ash Wednesday services. Then when I got home I tidied up before having to make dinner. After dinner I left for ...Bingo. Now I am not a bingo kind of gal. My mom is. She and her best friend go every Wednesday down to our church hall for "award winning bingo." But I am not a good Christian in that setting. I know this. I accept this and since I never seem to win, only donate - I stay away. But last night I was on a mission. I needed signatures.
I wrote a letter to our bishop regarding our parish's need for a permanent pastor. If you have been reading my blog for a while now, you'll know that Father Jim was assigned to another parish. We do not have a permanent pastor at this time. Father Steve is the pastor at St. Philomena's in the neighboring town and he has been assigned as our "Pastoral Administrator" until a replacement (if any) can be found. As for "Replacement Ministry" (meaning when Father Steve has responsibilities at his own church) Father Mark comes from yet another parish to fill in. Our church is entirely too large to not have a permanent pastor. Due to the pastoral shortage the days of each parish having her own pastor is becoming a thing of the past. However in our area, there are 3 parishes in Beaver Falls (the next town over) with 3 permanent pastors. And I want one of them! So I went looking for signatures and I found quite a few.
The plan was to leave once I got the signatures. But since "Aunt Patty" was sick last night, my mom would be playing by herself. So I stayed to play. She paid for it, ha ha. So technically I didn't lose anything. When I called home to tell Kenny that I would be late, he reminded me to swear quietly - HA HA! I didn't win anything. But I didn't completely lose my senses. I behaved appropriately! I left for bingo at 5:30 so that I wouldn't bother anyone while they were playing. If you've ever gone to bingo, you know that they'll scratch your eyes out if you're bugging them while they're playing. I didn't get home until after 10. And the whole point in mentioning all of this is that my visits to everyone have suffered. I'm not visiting like I used to. For that I apologize! I'll get it together. I just need to work the kinks out. Please be patient with me.
Lenten Scriptures ~ Luke 9:22-25
Thought for the Day: ~ Pray that you will always be attentive and responsive to God's will.
Julie..I have something for you...
I love BINGO...
I go to Bingo with my Mom when I visit her. She goes every Monday at an Indian Casino near her home. She has the time of her life as only a very energetic 81 year old can!! I'm sure your mom appreciates you going!
Hi Julie,
Not to worry, we'll be right here keeping the coffee warm for ya :)
Boy can I understand! I've been so busy lately that I've only managed to do a post on my blog and maybe visit just a few of my buddies. And when I look at Bloglines and see how many posts I've missed, it drives me c-r-a-z-y!!! (and it's not a long drive lol) Things have slowed down some, so I'm spending the day trying to get "caught up"...it's hard.
I miss your visits, but understand. Hope you get the kinks out soon.
I remember one year when I was growing up my sister and I gave up chocolate.Thae very night my Dad brought home chocolate. We decided to wait until the next day to give it up. Our Parents said no we had to do this and we did!!!!! ...Blessings
Hehe, bingo. I try to avoid it at all costs. Either they call the numbers so fast that my eyes go blurry or they poke along so slowly that I start to daydream and forget to pay attention. Last time I played, my 80-year-old relative kept having to point out the numbers I had. How embarrassing to be a bingo failure. :)
I think it's OK that you missed blogging for the night.
i hope it all works out soon. I know how this has been a burden to you for sometime.
Hugs, Brenda
No worries Julie, I'll just keeping visiting you anyway sweetie because I like you! I hope you get a Pastor sorted out really quickly! Have a lovely weekend!
Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)
Not to worry. We are all busy and know what your going through. I had a few months like that! :) Hahaha! I too am simply there for donation if I participate in such events as I am just not lucky like that!!
Its not easy to fit it all in, is it??
Thanks for visiting when you have time Julie. I know that some days it seems like there is just too much to do and not enough hours in the day. Hope you find a permanent paster for your church, we've gone through that whole scenario too.
Glad you enjoyed the Bingo!
Hah!! You're a funny, good girl...who cusses at Bingo!!! Who knew ;0)
Thanks forn the laugh!!
Hey Julie. Not visiting? No problem, dearest. You just visit when you can. I don't keep track. I am just happy to see your smiling face whenever you pop by! We can't be everywhere (unless we use the team blogging method of posting and commenting, but that wouldn't be as much fun as being here in person!)
Happy weekend to you!
It surely is not easy is it? I have had a few weeks of craziness and I hate not keeping up with blogging and visiting! I have a feeling that everyone will continue to visit you no matter what! Just because you are loved!
I hope you all yelled BINGO a lot!
Have a sweet weekend Julie!
No to to worry sweet Julie, sometimes life is just busy. I know I always feel bad not getting to visit everyone but sometimes with work and family it gets a little crazy.
I was going to get upset, but now that I see you have a formidable excuse I am going to overlook any of this weeks' blog-reading absences.
Oh you silly girl! After that "vacation" you took, this is nothing? Just kidding. Don't stress. Blogging is supposed to be about our lives - not just our lives. It's hard to visit everyone everyday and we all know that. So don't worry one little bit about it. Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings... Polly
Julie don't worry we will be here :)
hoganfe handbags
Bingo, uh? HA HA And I've never played Bunko either! My hubby is teaching the Lenten series at our church this month - I can't wait! :) Happy Weekend.
Nice stepping in for BINGO! Not to worry--we're all still hangin' here!
Julie, don't worry about it! You do what you need to do and blogging will all fall into place in it's own time! I hope your petition works!
Too bad you didn't win, but it was nice to keep your mom company...did she have good luck? Linda
We played bingo last Christmas at the company party... The owner gave money for bingo wins, and made sure everyone won at least once... It was really fun! (Rick and I took home over $100!)
My laptop is so sick - I think it may be terminal - so I haven't been getting around much in the last few days, either!
oh darlin'.. luv ya!!! I'll be waitin' for ya to visit..
BINGO rocks! lol...
..please visit and vote!
I've never played Bingo but it sounds like fun.
Sorry you didn't win at Bingo. Hope you get your new priest soon too.
Hey Julie: Are you part of the Pittsburgh diosese where you live? I know there is quite a shortage of priests...we have a good sized parish and are very happy to have a resident priest. In the olden days we probably would have had an assistant also. I can't imagine you sitting still long enough to play bingo. Did you swear under your breath? Please don't worry about getting around to other blogs...it should be fun, not another obligation!
I have had the same problem so dont feel bad... you are not alone... Listen to Melissa and Penny... cant be in 10 places at once unless you have more than one person posting comments
Thanks for stopping by! It was great to see you!
Hope you find a full time priest soon, Julie. A few years ago our priest retired. He now works in another parish, but not as full time priest. That is when we were sent Father Tom, who looks like Steve Martin, rides a motorcycle and has a joke every Mass. J has been in this parish since birth. I am a protestant, but I do go to Mass and have served on committees. Anyway, Father T, was like a breath of fresh air...for awhile. Then we began to miss Father Don. And still do!!
J's mother was an avid Bingo player...o my goodness. She not only went to our Bingo, but the VFW Bingo, next to our KC Hall and other places throughout our county. Amazing Bingo player. I only went with her a few times, couldn't keep up. I can't remember how many cards she played, but she had one of those special card holders and oh the colorful markers she carried. She won quite often. Many times, we knew when she had a good week at Bingo, because she would treat us to dinner out. My max for cards was 4!
It is hard to visit everyone. I have worked a lot of hours the last couple weeks, including Saturday. Ugh......
Glad you behaved at bingo! Ha ha
I am right there with you. I cannot figure out when I was visiting with you all. It seems that I either site with my family or sit with all of you!
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