I must first beg your forgiveness for how long it has taken me to post. I am so sorry. My mom sends me an email anytime someone leaves a comment. When I checked my email this morning I found them, along with over 300 other emails that I hadn't checked in a while. I have no excuse. But allow me to explain what's been going on...
Two weeks ago I started a new job. It's part time, afternoons. I am working in the day care center of the YMCA. I am playing with babies! There are 4 rooms in the day care: infants, young toddlers, older toddlers and pre-school. I work in the infant room where the oldest child can only be 13 months old. I'm having a ball. And of course I have my favorites. But let me tell you, they're kicking my ass. At the end of the day...I'm whooped. On average we have nine babies/day. But there are days where we have eight and there are days when we have eleven. Since my clearances haven't come in yet, I'm not allowed to be left alone with any of the babies. That makes it hard when poor Cathy (my afternoon co-worker) has to use the rest room. We have to find someone to step in the room for her to leave even for just a few minutes. But, rules are rules. There's a baby named Ryan whom I just adore. He's eight months old. Unfortunately for me, his mom will soon be working part-time herself and will no longer need our services. Bully for her...but I'm devastated. He looks like the pictures I have of my Austin as a baby. So I hold him...a lot!! It's my way of playing with Austin as a baby. And he loves me. I know I will cry on his last day.
Another one of my favorites is a little girl named Alaya. She's 10 months old today, as a matter of fact. So in 3 months and a week she'll be moving to the young toddler group. But at least I'll still be able to see her everyday. She's absolutely adorable and I spoil her. The moment I walk in she lights up. She drops whatever she's doing and waddles over to hug my legs, look up at me and smile. She knows I will pick her up. She's my princess and I call her that. She doesn't get much love at home. I have never met her mother. I've met her father who picked her up once, her aunt who has picked her up a few times and her mother's boyfriend, the drug addict, who picks her up a lot. From what they have told me, her mother (just 19 herself, with another daughter in the older toddler group) doesn't pay too much attention to the girls. Isn't that the saddest thing you've ever heard?? So I try to make up for it. And if that means spoiling her, oh well. I could snatch her up and make her my own daughter in an instant!
Jesse went to Washington, D.C. with the school at the end of March. He had a great time. We bought a throw-away camera for him to take. I was going to give him my digital camera but I was afraid that he might lose it (he's famous for things like that.) And he wasn't too confident in that area anyway. I think he was relieved to take the throw-away. That way if he did lose it, no harm done. Well, in the first hour and a half he took 27 pictures and ran out. He had to buy another one down there. He was NONE too happy about that. The cost up here? $6.99. The cost in DC? $14.95. But now he has over 50 pictures of his trip. Priceless!!
One of the perks of working at the YMCA is that they give their employees a membership for free. I chose to upgrade and include my family on the membership for just $18/month. The boys are having a blast! They're playing things they couldn't possibly play outside: basketball, racket ball, volley ball. I tease them all of the time. But they're having fun and that's all that matters. They'll really enjoy the Y this summer when it's hot and they want to go swimming.
So that's what's been going on around here. I have no excuse for not posting or visiting other than now that my "blogger block" has passed due to my new job...I'm tired. And I know that's no excuse. I hope that everyone is doing well. I have never forgotten anyone . And I still pray for all of you. Please keep my family in your prayers and I love you all!
Just glad to hear you are OK... life does have a way with interfering with blogging! Your new job sounds perfect for you and your family. God bless!
Hi there sweet friend! It's good to "hear" from you. Your new job sounds perfect for you. What a blessing you must be for those sweet babies.
I've sure missed you. Sure hope you'll be back to blogging more often soon.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Yes, I have missed you. Congrats on your job, but refrain from the baby stealing ;-) (I have often thought of that myself, seeing how slow these 'legal' adoptions are! lol.
I am so glad you found something you love...God will bless you for blessing others, even if they ARE to young to say thank you for themselves.
The Y membership sounds awesome, hope you find some time to enjoy it too.
Blogs are nice, but time with your family is the best.
hugs to you my sweet sister;
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
I'm so glad you are doing well! And it's not an excuse.. it's a reason, and a darn good one!
Hope to see you here again soon!
Take care! :)
Hi there Julie....you lucky duck...what a great job! I have missed you but I understand...life comes first and I am glad you are well and Happy!!!
Hi Julie! Great to hear from you with such good news, I'm so happy for you. My son took baseball classes a few Summers ago when we lived there and he had a blast, a little expensive though for 3 or 4 days I think, anyways, you have such a great deal for the family!!! Congratulations!!!
Welcome back, sweet Julie.
I work a few hours each Thursday in a preschool and it takes me all week to recover. Exhausting!
Just glad to hear from you!
Oh what a wonderful way to start a Monday. So good to see you Julie :) I'm glad to hear that you are okay. Your new job sounds very rewarding and I certainly understand how hard it is to keep up with blogging!
Sounds like you are happy and busy! Glad there is nothing wrong:-)
Take care of yourself!
Julie....I would love working with babies! Sounds like an ideal job for you. And a membership to boot! Can't beat the perks.
Hi Julie,
I'm so glad to see you're back and things are going well for you.
Sound like a great job!
Great to hear from you! it has been forever and worried so much.
Hi, Julie, glad to see your note! Blogging can truly seem to take over your life sometimes, so I completely understand wanting to take a break. It does feel like a job sometimes.
Happy to hear about your part-time joband that you are enjoying it. Working is so tiresome,so take care of yourself first & foremost.
So great to hear from you, Julie! I've missed you but I'm happy to know that you have such a perfect new job. Take care of those babies and blog when you aren't so tired.
Hi Julie,
Your job sounds like so much fun. You have been missed..
Hi Julie,
So glad to see you back. You were missed in blogland. What a great job to have with the little ones. You take care and stay in touch because we all miss ya.
You sound so happy and excited about your job...good for you. Being tired at the end of the day is a good thing...I guess not good for your family, though. So happy to see you back in blogland, Julie.
Good morning Julie. What a wonderful surprise when I checked in to find you here!
Your job sounds great!
Good to see you back!
Glad you found a job you enjoy so much, I'm happy for you!
So, when are you going to teach the kids to blog? ;)
Glad you're OK!
I love playing with babies too!
Yay for YMCA membership for the whole family.
Welcome back ...
I'm so glad you are doing fine and enjoying your work. Blessings, Kathi
SO GLAD TO SEE YOU ARE BACK!!! You definitely have been missed... things have been crazy and busy and dont feel bad... I havent blogged like I used to either... I am finding it difficult to do that and work on things for the site... its getting a revamp... and I have some new products that will be going up soon...
Glad to hear you are having fun with your new job Julie.
Have a great weekend!
So good to hear you are OK! Good for you on your new job!
I have thought of you often. Just this morning I thought, I am worried about Julie, I better go check. I had no hope of finding a post here, so imagine my happy dance when I found one!
Yes, life must come first. I try to take most people's blogging absences as a good sign that they are prioritizing, and that is a sign of a great woman. But no blogging at all, that is a bit worrisome. Glad to see you are doing well.
Hey, I have been gone too long too, with out the great excuse!
I used to work in a daycare and it is what lead me to what I do now... so be careful, you might find yourself back in college.
Hope to see you soon!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Impressora e Multifuncional, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://impressora-multifuncional.blogspot.com. A hug.
Hi Julie,
Was thinking about you lately and just wanted to say "Hi." I loved reading about your new job. I'll bet you are a favorite with all the babies now! Hope you and your family are well.
I'm so glad that you're alright! How fun, to play with babies and then send them home-Perfect job!
I see you're from New Brighton. My college roommate 30 YEARS ago hailed from there. Her name was BJ Mujwit. Love your cute blog!
Miss you. =) Sounds like it's a good job and the boys are loving it too. Still praying for you too... Blessings... Polly
Taking on a new job can be very stressful! Especially if you are not used to working outside the home and then you start! That is what I did 4 years ago and it took me a long time to get accustomed to it. It sounds like a perfect job for you! Congratulations! I hope that you will get settled soon!
Hugs, Sharon
I know you'll be back to blogging one of these days...as soon as everything settles down, that is. Your job sounds great! I hope you continue to love it and that it gets to the point where you're not wiped out every evening! lol And that's wonderful about the Y membership. I'm wondering if there's a YMCA in my little town.....Lord knows I could use a little organized workout time myself! I'm just too cheap to join the gym to get it. lol
Hope you are doing okay. Glad to hear things are okay.
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